Part .01 of New Year Ceramony

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(Violetta pov)

*I was up in the morning still reading more of the huge book, as it hold of spells and many healing techniques. Some had hidden codes and meaning behind it that I could understand due to having the necklace bond too me, well it's gem or stone is too big to consider it a necklace, I would say it's more of a amulet than anything.*

*It chain wasn't bond to me but the stone was apart of my flesh, but apart from that Navier told me of her pen pal, I told her it must be her soulmate, but she said it was impossible for it too be that*

*Her and Prince Heinley seem to have a connection, he care so much for her, I believe this time it will be different for her after the heartbreak Sovieshu put her through and how many tears she shead  over him.*

'I still can't believe Sovieshu believes she is jealous of Rastha, he is basically comparing them together when there's no need, they were taught in different ways!'

*I puff my cheeks put in frustration and didn't notice I read the book too the end, all was left was a lock page that looked like a door that needed a key too open*

*I decided to get some fresh air and lock the book back up in the desk and gotten dressed since I was still in my night clothes*

(Here you go)

(Here you go)

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* I began too stroll around the palace till I see Navier and Prince Heinley*

'They look as they could be a lovely couple, hopefully I'll be invited too their wedding one day.'

*But their joy didn't last as Rastha ran too them, which made me worry for Navier. As I watch them from a far it seem like Prince Heinley handle Rastha and got her too back off as they take their leave.*

'Why am I stalking people? That's just creepy maybe I should head too my roo-'

* I wasn't able too finish my thought as I was interrupted by Rastha calling out for me and running towards me*

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