The Violet Amongst The Roses

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(Violetta pov)

*I sit in the old library down in the woods reading one of the the thousands of books I read already I set the book aside and stand up and stretch and change out of my old worn down nightwear into my slightly wore down dress*

(Here's the dress)

(I dont own this, its from pintrest)

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(I dont own this, its from pintrest)

*I grab my hand made basket and was looking across the library and accidentally trip and pulled a very old leaver which open a hidden door on the walls of the library that holds a large, thick old dusty book*

*I placed it into my basket and check my portion of food and realized it was low*

'I was always alone from a very young age and was isolated from society with only my books that taught me how mage in spells, how to handle wounds and for sickness.'

'If it weren't for theses books I probably would've been dead in a ditch.'

*As I walk out side and headed my way and started to pick some berries, mint, and flowers and headed to a beautiful lake and sit down to clean the berries off and to watch the beautiful water as I made violets rise from the ground and surround me*

*I suddenly heard the bushes rustling and as I wiped my heard around I saw a tall man with darknette hair who seem muscular, have dark yet silver like eyes staring deep into my soul*

(Sovieshu pov Earlier)

*I decided to head off on another hunting trip since the first one didn't went as planned and met the love of my life*

*The carriage was prepared to along side my gear as I bid fair well to the Empress, Rashta asks if she could come along side me on my hunting adventure*

Rashta: "Please let Rashta come along your Majesty!"

*She pled with those big dark doll like eyes of her as her lip quiver and she hold her hands pleading*

*She was so cute and charming I almost dare say yes and give into her demands*

*But I knew it wouldn't be such a terrific idea, what if she gets harmed by some wild animal, that I could not risk*

"I'm sorry my love its much safer for you to stay here, I wouldn't want you to be put in harms way out in the woods"

Rashta: "His Majesty is very caring to Rastha"

*A smile formed on her pink lips as she looks at me with a adorable look*

Rashta: "Rastha understands your Majesty"

*I smiled and kiss her head and part ways with her and headed into the carriage and await what wonders holds within the woods*

(Time skip)

(Sovieshu pov still)

*I exit my carriage with my gun in hand and enter the woods alongside my two guards*

*We walk deep into the woods were flowers and berries were mostly everywhere to be seen at, as we stroll along a graceful doe caught my eye and I signal for the guards to stop and raised my gun and aim it at the dear it suddenly heard a twig crack under one of the guards boot. And took off dashing too the deeper into the woods and as I chased after it with the guards trailing behind me. The doe suddenly made a hard turn left into some bushes*

*I walk through the bushes to see a glorious lake with tress and violets blossoming and but the most breathtaking sight was the young woman beside the lake with a basket beside her*

(Third pov)

*They both stared at one the another, until Sovieshu started to approach the young woman which alarms her and as she hers to her feet. Her once gorgeous (e/c) turns to a violet color as some thick vines of violets made their way to him and wrapped around him and hold him in place. As the guards arrived to see the shocking sight infront of them as all the men stared at the purple eye woman*

*One of the guards snuck up behinded the fair lady and knock her out with the back of his gun, as she drops to the ground, the vines of violets loosen on the Emperor as the other guard help free him*

*Emperor Sovieshu walks over to the unconscious woman on the ground he kneels down and picks her up bride style*

Guard: "What shall you do with this fair lady your Majesty?"

Emperor Sovieshu: "We shall bring her back with us, she seems to be a powerful mage and can serve use to the palace. Bring her stuff along as well, we'll have to cut this trip to a end."

*The guards bow*

Guard: "Yes your Majesty"

*The guards went and retrieve the basket and lead Emperor Sovieshu back to his carriage as he carefully got inside while holding the lovely flower in his arms*

(Sovieshu pov)

*I look down in awe of the small woman who lays in my arms with a peaceful expression across her face, I couldn't help but smile at her enthralled appearance as I run may hand through her soft silky hair as she slumbers*

*Everytime my eyes met her my heart pounds against my chest, her beuaty is something Navier, even my love Rastha couldn't compete against*

*As I feel her cuddle up against me and head on my chest I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at her cuteness as I look out the window at the beautiful sunset that I smiles at and look back at my delightful flower and hold her close and rest my eyes and soon was brought into a deep slumber*

The Violet Amongst the Roses Discontinue(The remarried empress McKenna X reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя