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Minho sighed softly as he
stirred the vegetables in the pan,
waiting for the oil to heat up.

Aera had requested stir-fried
vegetables with rice and so who
was the ravenette to say no to that?

Although he wasn't really happy
that he had to stand for so long,
their little bean was awake and
moving around happily,
he didn't have a choice since
Jisung was still at work.

"Are you having fun in there, hm?
Kicking appa's intestines really
sounds like fun, I know"

he chuckled as he placed
one hand on his round belly,
smiling when the little unborn
immediately reacted to his touch.

"Your sister didn't disturb me that
much when I was cooking but you're
just a tiny whirlwind, aren't you?
You must have gotten that
from your crazy papa."

"I'm not that crazy."

Minho gasped as he felt two
arms around his waist, hugging
him from behind and two hands
caressing the baby bump gently.

"Hey Sungie, already home?"

But the younger just pouted
and nuzzled his face in his
boyfriend's shoulder.

"Are you really sulking now?"

The ravenette chuckled while
he turned his head so he could
press a soft kiss on top of
Jisung's head.

"You're such a baby, Sungie."

"Your baby."

"Yeah, my baby.
Come here you big baby,
I demand a kiss now."

A small whine escaped the
younger when Minho peeled
his hands off his belly so he
could turn around in his embrace,
but the boy immediately sighed
cutely when his boyfriend
cupped his cheeks gently.

"You're so cute"

The ravenette smiled widely
as he squished Jisung's chubby
cheeks with his palms making
him pout like a tiny duckling
before he leaned in to peck
those pouty lips gently.

"You just called me crazy minutes ago,
you better sort your thoughts
about that and clear up that
misunderstanding to
our little bean."

"You're so dramatic, Sungie"

Minho laughed softly but the way
his face scrunched up in pain
didn't go unnoticed by his boyfriend.

"Everything okay?"

Bean is kicking, it hurts a bit."

"That's not nice, hm?
Or are you just agreeing
with me that papa is not crazy?"

Jisung had crouched down in
front of the older, his hands
cupping the sides of the
baby bump and a wide
smile immediately bloomed
on his face when the little
unborn pressed their tiny
foot against their papa's palm.

"I know, I'm a cool papa.
Ask your sister."

And Minho could only chuckle,
Jisung was for sure whipped
for their little bean.

"Appa! Papa!"

Aera waddled in the kitchen,
her kitten plushie in her arms
and Bbama following her closely.

Soonie was already resting on
the windowsill and only looked
up shortly at the little girl's squeal
to check up on his tiny princess
before going back to watch
the birds outside.

"Hey princess"

Jisung cooed when their
daughter snuggled close to his
side and nuzzled her nose
against his cheek.

"What chu doing?"

"Papa was giving the
little bean a kissy."

Minho smiled when Aera gasped
cutely before she stood on tippy toes,
her hands resting on her appa's
baby bump so she could give her
baby sibling a kissy as well.


She giggled softly when Jisung
wrapped his arms around her
small body and pulled her back
in his embrace, a long kiss
immediately landing on
her soft chubby cheekie.

"Does papa get a kissy as well,


But when her papa pouted cutely,
Aera couldn't help but giggle and
leaned forward to smooch
his cheek loudly.

"Thank you baby,
now give appa a kissy as
well so he wouldn't be sad.
We don't want that, right?"


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