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"They're so precious"

Minho smiled softly as he
played subconsciously with
his boyfriend's hand, his gaze
always fixed on their little girl.

Aera was running around in
the garden, always giggling happily
as Bbama followed her with his
tail wagging, barking cutely.

They really had the time of their lives,
it was so adorable to watch.

"Yeah, they really are."

Jisung's eyes were practically
sparkling but not only because
of their babies, also because the
way Minho leaned into his touch
made his heart warm.

The older was laying with his
head resting on the brunette's lap,
enjoying the fingers running
through his hair and massaging
his scalp gently, something he
could really get used to.

He loved it so much when Jisung
was the one showing affection to him,
in some way it gave him reassurance.

It wasn't quite a secret that
Minho's past relationship was a
great failure which had also left
some scars on the boy's fragile
heart so it had been hard to let
someone close to him again.

After all that had happened,
the ravenette had given up
on believing in love.

But then Jisung happened.

There are always things happening
in life which you can't plan,
things you don't expect at all but
they don't necessarily have to be bad,

At least to Minho it felt so right
how it was right now.

He had a beautiful boyfriend and they
had a wonderful daughter together,
he had never felt more at home than
when he was together with them.

They were his family.

"Papa! Appa!"

The ravenette had sat up the
moment he had heard their
little girl calling them, his
parental instincts kicking in
and already fearing the worst.

But instead of getting greeted
by the sight of Aera crying,
she was kneeling in front of
the lilac bush, her head turned
to her parents with a
questioning gaze.

Bbama was also laying beside
her on the grass, waiting patiently
for whatever the small girl
was waiting too.

"I'll be back in a second"

Minho smiled and kissed the
younger's cheek but Jisung shook
his head almost instantly and
grabbed his boyfriend's hand
as he stood up as well.

"I'll come with you,
she called us both.
Whatever bug she found now,
she wants both her parents to see it."

The ravenette nodded and
chuckled softly, the younger
was probably right.

Together they made their way
to their daughter, their intertwined
hands swinging softly between
them and soft smiles on
their faces until..

Until they realized that Aera
hadn't called them because of
a bug she had found.

She was kneeling in front
of Nari's grave, her big eyes
shining with a mixture of
curiosity and questioning
as she petted Bbama's fluffy
fur constantly.

"What's this?"

she pointed at the small tombstone,
pouting when she noticed how
her appa frowned.

Jisung had turned to his boyfriend,
his heart sinking when he noticed
the unshed tears in Minho's eyes.

But much to his surprise,
the older sat down and patted
his lap for their daughter to
come to him, waiting until she
was snuggled in his arms and
Jisung sitting beside him.

He searched for the younger's
hand and intertwined them,
a gentle squeeze giving him
reassurance that he
wasn't alone.

Aera looked up at her appa
when he didn't say anything
but immediately held onto his
fingers when Minho took her
small hands in his big one.

"Aera princess, this is a grave."

"What's that?"

"A grave is a bed for people who
will sleep for a very long time.
For forever actually."

The small girl pouted and reached
her tiny hands out to cup her
appa's cheeks when the first
tears rolled down the soft skin.

It still hurt to talk about her.

"Who sleeping here?"


Minho couldn't help but smile
through his tears when their
daughter tilted her head so cutely,
she was so precious.

"Nari is your big sister, sweetie."

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