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"Where are we going?"

Jisung pouted softly as he
looked outside, the raindrops
running down the window
of the car.

"You'll see, it's a surprise."

It was the end of August but
the weather hadn't been very
kind to them lately, it was cold
and rainy for two days already.

There was only one more month
left until Jisung's due date but it
was really about time that they
got a few things for the baby
because so far there were
only a few clothes from
Minho's child.

And the older had a plan.

Around half an hour later the
white Audi parked in a parking
area in front of a small store and
the younger immediately noticed
that it was a shop for baby things.

"Let's go Sungie,
the shop closes in thirty
minutes so we have to
hurry a bit."

Minho smiled when Jisung
looked at him with his big
innocent eyes before he left
the car to help the boy out as well.

"Thank you"
the younger mumbled softly,
smiling shyly when the other
grabbed his hand and together
they made their way to the shop.

It wasn't a big shop,
there was only one employee
sitting behind the counter and
smiled softly as the two entered,
probably happy about her first
two customers that day.

But maybe she was also
happy because the two looked
so cute together.

"Jisungie, I brought you here
today so you could choose the
first thing for your baby.
So far all the little one has are
clothes that you didn't even choose,
I think it'd be good that you
get something for them.

Something you chose.
A plushie, a onesie,
a pair of socks,
whatever you like.
And please don't worry
about the price, really."

Jisung still hadn't gotten used
to Minho paying everything for
him and he also still didn't like it.

He didn't want the older to
waste so much money on him
if he wasn't even able to give
anything in return.

Hell, he hadn't even
finished school.

Minho watched the younger
quietly as he walked slowly
through the aisles, stopping
from time to time to pick up
certain things, inspect them
but always placed them back.

At first it was a light blue onesie
with a little seagull printed on
the front, then it was a small
pastel yellow blanket with
tiny sun flowers embroidered,
he even picked a pair of tiny
socks but somehow everything
wasn't to his liking.

Or he had ignored Minho's
words and put the things
away because of their price.

But when Jisung stopped
noticeably longer at the
plushie section, the older
knew that it'd be a stuffie.

And when the boy waddled
back to Minho with a small
orange kitten plushie pressed
to his chest, a shy smile on
his face but his eyes sparkling,
the ravenette knew that this
was the right idea.

"Minho look!
It looks like Soonie"

he giggled cutely and the
older needed all his self
control not to squish the boy's
adorable chubby cheeks.

"Yeah, it does.
Soonie's doppelganger.
Now let's go pay for it,
the shop closes soon and
our stew is waiting for us
at home."

Jisung nodded enthusiastically
like a little kid making Minho
coo as he took the boy's hand
in his and led him to the counter.

"You two are a cute couple"

The kind lady noted,
giving them a sweet smile
making the youngest blush.

"W-we're not-"

"Thank you!
Have a great day!"

Minho laughed softly at
how red the blue boy's face
was and grabbed the bag with
the plushie in it.

"Have a nice day as well and
I wish you a safe delivery."

Happy first Advent to all
my fellow Germans~
(and all the others too of course)

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