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"There we have the little one,
you see it?"

Both nodded softly and Minho
noticed how Jisung's expression
wasn't readable at all.

He wasn't smiling or frowning,
he was just staring emotionlessly
at the monitor as the doctor
started measuring the unborn.

Over the past few days
they had spent together,
the older had noticed how
Jisung still ignored the
baby completely.

The only fact that literally
proved that he was pregnant
was his baby bump.

Besides that he acted like there
wasn't a little human in his belly
who wanted to play, who wanted
to hear their parent's voice and
who definitely needed to feel
that they were loved.

It hurt Minho so deeply,
he just couldn't understand it.

He'd give everything to be
in his place instead.

"Is something wrong, doctor?"

The frown on the man's face in
his mid-forties was even more
concerning and now that he
had mentioned it, Jisung also
looked at him with a somewhat
worried face.

the baby is only part of the problem.
I don't want to beat around the bush,
it doesn't look very good.

First of all, the child isn't
in a very good state,
they're undernourished
and there's barely any of
the necessary baby fat.

The heartbeat is steady but low
which is bad but not surprising.
Mr Han, this is very concerning.
You haven't been eating regular
healthy meals the past months
so it's actually surprising your
body hasn't miscarried the baby."

There it was again,
the stab right in Minho's heart.

Tears were forming in his eyes but
he closed his eyelids to keep them in.

He shouldn't cry,
not in front of an already
scared Jisung and a stranger.

"You really need to take
care of yourself, please eat
more and healthy.
The child needs every
single meal of the day.
Don't skip any foods and also
I'll prescribe you some prenatal
vitamins and another medication
for the baby's health.

But there's another thing
I'd like to talk about.
The baby might not be in a good
state but they're still not too small.
But your pelvis is quite petite so
I'd recommend thinking about
a c-section to prevent any complications.

Your pelvis is too small for
a completely safe natural birth.
Mr Han, you yourself aren't in
your best state so an already
risky birth could be extremely
dangerous for the both of you.

I'll let the nurse write down a
number for you, an expert from
the hospital that can help you and
explain all the risks and advantages,

Jisung only nodded subconsciously,
his gaze still fixed on the monitor
even when the doctor had put the
transducer aside and had printed
a sonogram for him.

"I'll be outside talking to the nurse,
you can pick your prescription
up later."

And with that Dr Yoo left the
room leaving a suffocating
atmosphere in the
examination room.


Minho squeezed their still
intertwined hands softly,
the sonogram in his other
hand although he avoided
looking at it to prevent himself
from tearing up again.

But the boy didn't look at him,
he was still staring at the
black monitor.

"Jisungie, please look at me."

The older stood up,
put the sonogram in the pocket
of his pants and cupped the
younger's cheek gently.

He let his thumb wander
over the warm skin,
paralyzed for a moment
by the softness until the
barely noticeable sigh that
Jisung left brought him
back to reality.

"Jisungie, sweetie."

And it was only then when
he noticed the single tear that
left the boy's big brown eyes,
rolling down his chubby cheek. 

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