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"So, here's a towel for you
and I also placed some new clothes
on the lid of the toilet over there.
I hope they fit, if not just call me.
And also if you need help
with anything, okay?"

Jisung nodded softly as he
breathed the soothing scent
of pine bath additive in before
giving Minho a thankful smile.

"Yeah, will do.
Thank you."

"Okay then, I'll prepare our
lunch and you enjoy your bath."

And with that the older left the
bathroom leaving the blue-haired
boy alone with his jumping heart.

He was excited,
this was his first real bath
in months and he couldn't wait
for the feeling where his aching
muscles were finally getting
soothed by the warm water.

Quiet huffs escaped him as
he got rid of first his sweater
and then with more difficulty
his pants before sitting down
to also take his socks off.

One of the most difficult tasks lately,
reaching his feet with a seven months
baby bump wasn't that easy anymore.

When he was unclothed,
he carefully stepped in the
warm water and supported
himself by holding onto the
walls of the bathtub as
he sat down.

Just like he had waited for,
his whole body practically
sighed loudly in comfort once
he got embraced by the warm
water and the little baby in
his belly kicked out at the
sudden new feeling.

It wasn't really comfortable
and hurt quite a bit but still
Jisung lifted his hand to let a
bit of water drop on his bump
making the unborn kick again.

"You like bathing, huh?"

And for the first time since he had
found out that he was expecting,
the boy smiled when the small
child moved.

Minho sighed softly as he
placed the pot with the now
washed and cutted vegetables
on the stove and turned
the heat on.

Although he wasn't that
hungry he knew that Jisung
needed a proper meal,
a healthy one.

And for that the ravenette
had decided to make some
vegetable soup and fresh bread,
there wasn't anything better than
a hot homemade soup together
with a slice of oven-warm bread.

One of his favorite basic dishes
when he had still carried his
little daughter in his belly.

It still hurt.

She was everywhere,
she was in the dishes,
his oversized clothes,
the unused pair of tiny socks
on his bedside table.

Sometimes Minho still had his hand
resting out of habit on his belly,
his empty belly.

Sometimes he still sang the
lullaby he had always sung to
the little girl to make her sleep.

Although he tried his best to
get his life back together again,
it was very hard.

Especially Jisung kept
reminding him of her,
of something he didn't
have anymore.

He envied him,
he envied him so much.

But not in a jealous way,
he wasn't like that.

The younger needed help
and Minho would help him
as much as he could.

He couldn't bring his daughter back,
she wouldn't come back.

She was gone, forever.

But he could help Jisung get
his own life back and he could
help him with his baby before
and after the birth.

He'd be there if Jisung
wanted him to be there.

Protection, support,
securance and love.

This is what he's going to
give from now on in return
to receiving the needed
distraction from the hole
in his heart.

He wanted to help in hope to
repress his own need for help.

But he forgot that maybe,
just maybe, those two wounded
hearts could fix each other.

I really want to thank you for
all your honest answers to my
question under the last chapter,
that really means a lot to me and
it warmed my heart that my
books can bring you more
than just entertainment!

That's why I also want to share
what my books taught me :)

Ever since I started writing,
I realized that sharing stories is
not only about spending time tipping
down thousands of words and hoping
that a few people will find joy in what
I publish.

My books taught me how to give love.
They taught me how to show
kindness and give love without
wanting or expecting anything
in return.

They showed me that love can
do so much.

A simple kind comment can makes someone's day so much better and
it costs nothing. And I think that's something so wonderful.
We're living in a world so
crowded but people have
never been more lonely.

Words can change so much.

And I will never stop giving words
of pure sincere love to the people
who need and deserve them.

Also my stories are such a
fragile part of me.
Some of you might haven't
thought about that but behind
every idea, every sentence,
every detail in all of my stories
stands a thought.
A thought that had crossed my
mind and convinced me somehow
to put it in my plot.

There are so many things in my stories, my personal experiences, my emotions, things I hate, things I adore, things I long for..

Think about all the character traits
of my characters...

Behind everything was a single
thought once.

And it feels good to show
such a fragile part of me and
get accepted like this.

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