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His back was aching
just like his feet did,
he wanted to take his
shoes off so badly.

But he didn't even have a seat yet,
he didn't have enough money to
book a reservation as well.

He had hoped that maybe,
just maybe, people would have
been kind or would have taken
pity on the pregnant boy.

It was hard to oversee
that he was expecting,
he was already in his
third trimester.

But humanity was cruel,
how could he forget about that?

Jisung was on his way to Gimpo,
after his parents had thrown him
out there was no reason for him
to stay in a huge expensive city
like Seoul.

He had stayed with his old friend Felix for the past months but
even the Australian already
struggled to support himself,
he could only give Jisung a
place to sleep and a bit of food
plus a clean bathroom.

But the apartment was already
too small for two people,
there was no way to raise
a baby there.

That's why the boy was
going to his aunt in Gimpo,
she had offered him to work
for her on her farm so he
could also stay with her.

The only problem was that she
thought Jisung was coming alone.

She didn't know that her nephew
was seven months pregnant.

And not able to work like this,
at least he shouldn't.

Another sigh left the boy as he
closed the door of another train
compartment where again people
had only shaken their heads when
he had asked about a free seat.

He knew that people judged
him by his looks, he hadn't
showered in two days,
his once blue hair was very
grown out and his old sweater
tried really hard to cover the
boy's baby bump.

But it wasn't like he
was purposely like this,
he didn't prefer to be like this.

And he was so uncomfortable,
he felt like his back would break
any second thanks to his heavy
backpack he shouldn't even be
carrying plus the baby was also
awake at the moment noticing
Jisung's distress.

The blue-haired boy still hadn't
gotten used to the feeling of the
small child moving in his belly,
to him it just brought discomfort,
hurt and felt weird.

He wouldn't smile and giggle
when the little baby would kick,
he'd just put his palm on the place
to rub the skin gently in hope to
calm the tiny human.

But he also knew it was because
he was hungry so the baby
was hungry too.

If he was lucky he still had a
sandwich somewhere in his
backpack but he wasn't sure.

He also needed to drink something,
the headache that had accompanied
him since this morning was only
getting stronger in the crowded train.

Only three more train
compartments were left and
Jisung could only pray that
there would be a seat free for him,
he was convinced that if he'd have
to stand the rest of the journey,
he'd pass out.

But was he surprised when he
was again greeted by shaking
heads and judging eyes?



No, Jisung wasn't surprised.

But he blinked his tears away and
waddled to the last compartment,
his hopes not really existent anymore.

He knocked softly on the
door before pulling it open,
his eyes scanning the room.

There was only one man sitting,
black hair, round glasses on his
nose and a long cream-colored
coat hugging his body.

"Excuse me?
Is this seat free?" 

Don't worry, it'll get more interesting
in a few chapters haha
This is just introduction stuff basically

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