Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me

Start from the beginning

I can see Kei's house up ahead.  That means mine is only a little bit further.  Part of me wants to stop, to wait for him, I know he's got to be somewhere behind me.  But most of me is still seething, and I know that seeing him right now would not be a good idea.

Dammit, I don't want to see anybody.  I've got to do something, or my mom will make me talk about this, and right now, I don't know if I can control my temper enough to do that.

As I pull my phone out to text my dad, a thought wanders by...would Kei have texted me already?  Can I deal with that right now?

I think I really need to text Dad, even it means possibly seeing a text from Kei.  I really, really, cannot deal with my family being all up in my business at the moment.

Opening my phone, there are no texts.  I have to say, I'm grateful for that, at the moment.  I'm not sure I need the temptation to talk to Kei at this point, because I'm still not sure I can do that without saying something that will ruin us.

Queen Setter 🏐
Dad I had a fight with Kei.  I need some space okay.  Please just let me go to my room and ask mom not to press.

Dad 💕
Understood, sweetheart.  Left water and dinner in your room.  I'll be here if you need to talk it out.  

Queen Setter 🏐
Thanks Dad

I'm so glad he's home right now.  Even with Mom and I getting along better, this is too much.  I couldn't get into this with her right now...losing my temper at her would be almost as bad as my losing it at Kei.  Maybe worse.

Sure enough, I slip into my house and make my way to my room, seeing no one.  I think my anger is giving way to numbness.  I suddenly feel so tired.  I'm just so done with this whole day.  I force myself to eat and drink some, take a shower, treat my legs, and collapse into bed, far earlier than I would normally consider going to bed on a Saturday.


The clock on my night table reads 3:12AM.

I've been awake now for...about an hour, I guess.  Just lying here in the dark, thinking.  I can't seem to stop thinking, and I can't get back to sleep.

The anger is still there, but now it's more...of a dull irritation.  I'm still mad, but I guess I understand.  In the heat of the moment, he didn't take the time to logically think about the fact that I'd never be interested in Hinata, or any other man, for that matter.

Or maybe he did, and that's why Kei went after him, and freaked out when he hit me instead.

Still not an appropriate response, by any means, but one I can understand, I guess.  I feel like I could probably talk with him about it now, and not scream at him in anger, not say something awful that would hurt him.

But as I lie here in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, some ten or so hours after what happened, I realize it might already be too late anyway.  

I checked my phone when I woke up - nothing.  I don't know if I'm grateful that he listened and is giving me the space I asked for, or terrified at the fact that he's not attempted to contact me at all in the wake of this.

Okay, I do know.  I'm terrified.

We've fought before, but this was bad.  I mean, it was so bad, I couldn't speak to him about it at all.  Well, I mean, the last time we fought, like really fought, I kinda screamed and yelled at him.  This time, I walked away, and told him to leave me alone.  And he was so afraid, when we were first starting out.  He was so reluctant to start this relationship because he feared that I'd hurt him, that'd I'd leave him alone and broken.

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now