Before pulling away, "I'll fix you something separate from the others to help you with your fever," the ebony male said leaving once more, which confused the blue stud who whimpered.





Sonic had soon woken up to something cool touching his face as he grumbled a bit annoyed peeking to see who was bothering him when his eyes landed on Amy who had a concerned look on her face while lightly placing the damp cloth on his head.
"Oh, your finally away agian," the pinkette says as she smiled softly at the exhausted male who mumbled under his break tilting his head as if trying to lean into Amy's touch.

This caused her to blush a bit at the sudden action but, she then placed her hand against his cheek allowing him to lean into her touch fully a lazy smile on his face as he fell back asleep.

"He's really out of it huh?" Shadow says earning his sister's attention as she looked behind her to see her brother standing there with his arms crossed "yea, Shad said that Sonic is sick with a pretty bad cold," Amy replied as her ears lowered with worry.
"If he is that sick, we should get him checked out by a doctor," Shadow says while looking at the resting blue hero who was now currently using the pinkette's hand as a pillow.

"You think so?" Amy questioned looking back at Sonic "yea," Shadow replied with a slight nod of his head.

"Ok, can you get Shad so we can go together? I know how you don't want to be seen in public with me a lot," the pinkette says until her brother placed his hand on top of her head "I'll get him, and you know why, I made that rule for us," Shadow then said as he soon left to search for the other male who could be anywhere around the house.

Amy then looked at the blue hero when her face began to turn a bit red until she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek "don't worry, we'll help you get better soon Sonic," she whispered when she earned a soft whimper from the speedster who nuzzled her hand gently and sniffled a bit.
The pinkette then smiled softly before she carefully took her hand away, from his cheek as he groaned but slightly moved his head a bit before going right back to sleep without a care in the world.

"I've heard you needed me, Amy?" Shad announced himself once he entered the room, earning the pinkette's attention immediately as she stood up.

"Yes, I do," Amy replied calmly "I want to take Sonic to the hospital, to give him a check up is all," the pinkette says as Shad soon nodded his head "alright, whatever you wish madam," the ebony male says when Amy left the living room to get ready for the day.

When Shad moved closer to Sonic, looking down at him with pity "it seems, your fever is only getting higher..." he muttered under his breath. 

-Time Skip-

The three now walked the town together while heading to the hospital as the blue speedster walked perfectly normally as if he wasn't going through a high fever which really impressed and frightened the two, to see just how good he was at masking himself.

As people said their hi's or wanted to give a hug to which the blue speedster would decline kindly but would allow pictures and signatures. They would also ask how he was doing due to the bandages that were visible to which he told them he was perfectly fine, nothing to bad.

Amy on the other hand would allow hugs and signatures as Shad had to introduce himself to those who were wondering who he was and would also be asked a few questions about his appearance such as, is he was secretly Amy and Shadow's love child or something but it was quickly shut down when he revealed his age.

The rose and the wolf (A sonamy story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora