⁷.³⁹six gamma signatures

Start from the beginning



Steve, Natasha, Rhodey, Bruce and Pepper had ran outside, as the facility had started shaking. Not only that, but a ship was also descending down, a lit figure underneath.

No threat was noticed, meaning that this ship could only mean one thing.

Running over to the entrance of the ship, Steve had helped an injured Tony down the steps- who looked back at Nebula, who knew what he meant.

The woman nodded, going back into the ship.

"I couldn't stop him." Tony stated.

"Neither could I," Steve replied.

"I.." Tony looked at Steve. "I lost the kid."

Steve gave him a sympathetic look, "Tony, we lost.."

"Is uh," as if it was the right timing, Pepper came, hugging her fiance as she let out a cry.

"Where's Athena?" Bruce came, a scared yet lost look on his face.

Nebula then exited the ship again, carrying the still-unconscious girl in her arms. Steve's eyes widened, running to take the girl in his arms.

"What happened to her?" Steve asked, almost immediately.

"It was the Stones, almost the same thing that happened a few years ago..."

"You mean when Loki..?" Steve asked, as if scared of what Tony was about to respond with.

Though he didn't respond with anything but with a mere nod. Steve let out a shaky sigh, before looking to Rhodey. "Contact Travers. Athena's back."

It wasn't long until a two wizards (well three) appeared at the Avengers Compound.

"Where is she?!" James Potter yelled, a sleeping baby in his arms. The man looked like he was in a terrible state. His hair was even worse than usual, eyes and nose were red, and clothes looked like they had been put on rushedly.


"I have no time to talk Rogers! Where's Athena?" He asked desperately, now standing in front of him. Steve just nodded, taking the man away with him.

"Is she alright?" Jericho asked Natasha, looking over to the woman. She sighed, sitting down on the chair.

"I don't know." Natasha whispered. "All major injuries have been taken care of already, but she's still not waking up. According to Tony, something happened the moment Thanos snapped his fingers. She was screaming in pain, and there was a light coming out of her chest. We all assume its the same thing that happened before-"

"What happened before?" Jericho asked.

"Five years ago, two infinity stones made contact here on Earth. They were within a close vicinity of each other, and... I guess it just somewhat triggered something inside Athena." Natasha explained, fiddling with her fingers.

Jericho was confused. "Why would that trigger something in her?"

"That's what we don't know for sure. We all think that it has some connection from when she first arrived at the Tower, when she was still a baby. But it's been years since it happened, and it hasn't happened again 'til now."

"Her powers. It's related to the stones, aren't they?"

Natasha nodded. "Started appearing once she makes contact with one of them."

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