Chapter 1

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Chrissy POV:

I sighed in irritation. I can't believe that Sam and the elders put me on babysitting duty! It's not fair. Just because Sam imprinted he gets a free pass. I mean it's not like I don't have enough to do. The guy makes me patrol all night and now I have to make sure that no one phases in front of the whole school. I personally think that would be sick! But no, because then it'll create panic. I sat on my motorcycle that my dad had bought me my freshman year and read over the names on the list.

- Jacob Black
- Paul Lahote
- Jared Cameron
-Quil Ateara

It said in Sam's crappy handwriting, oh the surprise all male, looks like I'm really gonna be the only girl in the pack. Well I guess I was a surprise no one expected me to phase of all people. According to Harry Clearwater, there has never ever been a female to phase in all of the tribes history. Sexist much? Gosh I've got to stop with my inner monologue and find out who I'm babysitting. I groaned. I don't even know who they are... Well I do but I can't remember their faces. I'm too lazy to remember anything. 

I lifted my head and glanced around the parking lot. Everyone was staring at me. Granted I had disappeared for about a week but still. I resisted the urge to yell 'stop staring.'  I absolutely hate it when people stare. I guess my dad being the richest in La Push and my biological mom being a literal goddess makes sense. Mix her genes with my dad's shapeshifter genes and there you've got the most beautiful girl in the reservation. I rolled my eyes. Even before I phased lots of the guys at school gawked over me and girls loathed me. Well, it's showtime. I stood before making my way inside the school.

There's one sure way to be sure of their schedules without the whole literal stalking to find out and that's hacking into the principals computer. But I need an excuse to get inside his office. I mean I'm always in trouble, what's my first day back look like? No. No trouble. Not anymore, I have a bit of a temper now. I could use a distraction. I looked around spotting my favorite custodian. He used to go to school with my dad so they were pretty tight and he covers for me sometimes. I walked to his closet to see him bent over digging through his shelves. I smiled.

"Hey Cory." I greeted. He jumped before bumping his head on the shelf. He turned. 

"Jesus Chrissy. You scared the crap out of me. When did you roll back into town?" He questioned.

"I never left." I replied. "Look I need your help with something, do you think you cou-"

"Oh no. Last time I helped you with one of your pranks I got stuck cleaning it myself." 

"Cory, I just need a distraction. I promise I'll clean it this time." He sighed.

"Sorry but not this time." I sighed in disappointment. Fine. I'll do it myself. As I walked down the hallway I made sure that no one was watching. Slowly, I walked to the water fountain pretending to take a drink before I snapped the lever with my new super strength. The water began spewing out wildly all over a group of girls who stood by and I took a step back before hiding behind a wall.

As the screaming erupted. I listened for the principals door to open and when it did, I waited until he passed before I made my way to his office. As I opened the door I looked up meeting the eyes of Cory as he looked at me in disappointment. I'll clean it later. I quickly sat in the chair and turned on the computer. Of course it was password protected. I sighed. Think Chrissy think. What could it be? I quickly typed in a few words.






No! Dang it! I listened closely for any sign that he was coming back. Wait a second maybe it's..


Well that's not that surprising. Hernandez happened to be my last name and Mason was the last name of that she devil I hated. AKA My mortal enemy. AKA Jenna Mason. I mean we've always fought and always sat in here as a result of those fights. 

I quickly typed in the names on the list and printed out their schedules before taking a quick glance at the pictures on each of their files. I know exactly who they all are. I stopped as I typed in the last name as I heard Principal Santiago begin making his way back towards his office. Crap! I quickly clicked print as my heart rate beat faster. Come on. Come on. I repeated to myself as the printer took it's dang time to print the last schedule. Just as it finished I could hear him outside his door. I quickly exited out of the tabs I had open and slid out the window just as he opened the door to walked inside. 

That was too close. 

I stood leaning against a wall as I watched my first subject closely. Paul Lahote. AKA La Push's manwhore. I tried to memorize every detail I could of his shape and size. Not in a creepy way. Just so I know when exactly he's about to phase. Well maybe in a creepy way. I'm not going to lie to myself, he's hot. Like insanely hot. I never really paid much attention to him because of his title The Manwhore. But now that I actually take a look at him, no wonder he gets all the girls. His friend pointed in my direction and he turned around. Oh gosh. Look away. Look away. He winked. I felt my heartbeat speed up as I forced myself to look away. Wow. 

I found my second subject sitting with his friends and being a complete doofus. Jared Cameron. I smiled. He was adorable. Definitely in shape. Or as the brits would say fit. I've got to stop. Focus Chrissy focus. Unlike Paul, Jared was actually nice and wasn't a manwhore. Also unlike Paul Jared seemed to be bulking up, unless that's how he always was. This was hard. One thing was for sure his smile was contagious along with his laugh.

 My last two subjects were together. Which made things a whole lot easier for someone as lazy as me. I concluded they were idiots. Jacob Black and Quil Ateara III. I memorized their body types and oh my god that sounds so weird. Like I'm some sort of crazed stalker. I am a stalker but I'm not crazed. Or am I? There didn't seem to be any indication that they would phase anytime soon. So I would have time to focus more on Jared and possibly Paul. Jared was the one I was worried about most. He's the buffest so far. Or is it the most buff? I'm not sure. One thing I am sure of, they're all cute. 

Why do they all have to be so damn attractive to me? I guess its because of how much attention I have to give them in order to watch them. 

After a week of examining my subjects, I have come to the conclusion that it is now time to step in as the best friend. Jared is close I can tell, he's beginning to get more frustrated a lot easier and his arms, my gosh his arms. Chrissy, compose yourself. They are your test subjects. But they're so cute! I need to chill out. The question is do I befriend Jacob and Quil's friend Embry? I mean once they phase they won't be able to hang anymore and he'll be left alone so I guess that's a yes.

Hope you enjoyed! With this Story I'm gonna be updating about three chapters a week starting next week, I don't know what days I will, though. And I think your gonna like this one. Vote! And comment what you think! Also be sure to follow me

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