Strange then walked over to the man, holding him up as he stared him in the eye. "Stark, calm down- you're injured and if you continue to stand up, it's going to get worse-"

"I don't care. Where's my niece." It didn't even sound like a question, more of a command. The sorcerer watched the terribly injured man, looking him in the eye, recognising multiple emotions evident through them. Pain, fear, loss, regret, guilt, defeat, and multiple more.

He sighed. "I'll look for her, but stay here."

She didn't know how long she was out for, nor did she care. The only reason she managed to wake from the depths of her mind, was the immaculate pain surging through her body.

Her scream was what managed to have herself located by the others, as she was thrown of somewhere far. It was like she was being cruciod multiple times over, and it wasn't stopping.

Her body felt light, as if she was floating, and as she tried to peak out of her eyes, a bright light was shining in her chest area.

"Athena!" A voice yelled, but she wasn't able to hear them over her own screams.

Peter made his way to the girl, who was in the air, lying down in a horizontal position, her arms, legs and head limp. A bright golden light was beaming from her chest, and the girls screams was filling his ears. He immediately rushed to her, pulling her down and carrying her bridesmaid-style.

Athena could feel herself being carried amongst the pain, which made her aware that someone was carrying her. "Make it stop! It hurts! Stop it!"

She yelled out, more painful screams following after.

"I'm getting you to Mister Stark and Doctor Strange- don't worry, I've got you!" Peter tried to assure the girl, but even he was becoming scared for her.

"What's happening to her?" Strange asked as soon as Peter arrived near them.

"I- I don't know! I suddenly heard screaming, and I see her floating in the air with the light beaming from her!" Peter cried out.

Tony's eyes widened at the sight. "It's happening again."

"What's happening again?" Strange asked, as well as the others who looked like they were about to ask the same question.

Tony had gestured Peter to give him Athena, in which he did as he placed her horizontally in front of him. He hugged her tight, a tear slipping from his eye knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop the pain.

"What's happening Stark?!"

"This happened back when the second stone first entered Earth, and made contact with each other. But she wasn't screaming or any of the sort. This could only mean-"

"-That Thanos has all the stones." Strange finished for him.

"What does this mean?" Quill asked, scared. Athena's screams began fading, her body dulling as it does so. Tony had moved the girl into a more comfortable position, leaning her back against the thing he was just leaning on. He stood up, looking over to the others.

First, it was Mantis who was fading away, the not long after that, it was Drax. Then Quill.

"Tony." Strange called out, causing the man to look at him. "There was no other way."

He managed to say, before fading away. "Mister Stark?"

Tony turned around, dread eating him as his eyes laid out Peter.

"I don't feel so good." Peter held his stomach, watching as his hands began to fade.

"You're all right."

"I don't know what's happening." He said, part of him denying the he did.

Stumbling over to Tony, holding him for support as he cried, fear shaking him. "I don't... I don't want to go." He hugged him, voice cracking. "I don't want to go, sir. Please-"

He continuously murmured those words, hope holding onto them. Stark placed him down on the floor, laying him there.

"I'm sorry." Were the words Peter stated final, before fading into the air by ashes.

Tony carefully standing up and walking over to Athena, hoping she wouldn't fade as well.

He held onto her, hugging her tightly, praying that she wouldn't disperse into the air like the others did. Like Peter did. The light from chest slowly died down, but she still wasn't awake.

"He did it." The other person with them, the blue one, stated.

Now, he could only think of the people back on Earth. His friends, loved ones, family. Did they fade into ashes as well?

 Did they fade into ashes as well?

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