Chapter 16

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Her feet were hurting. Her head too. Luna had spent the entire night and parts of the morning looking through memories from all the guests, searching for glimpses of Gwyn in the crowd, as well as the point when the Darkbringers had entered the gala. She had found plenty of Gwyn, but nothing of the Darkbringers... Luna sighed, throwing herself at the bed, hoping to get a chance to close her eyes for a second to ease the headache. But the moment was short lived.

"Lady Luna?" Jacon knocked on her door. "Helion is asking for you."

"I will be there..." Luna called back and got up, changing from her dress to the traditional Night Court clothes. Then she headed back out. Her hair was pulled back, no Time for styling now. The walk over to the main building helped her clear her head. This morning was one covered in mist, the roaring of the waterfalls seemed muffled in the mist. The sun a white disk in the sky. Helion was standing in the main hall, looking just as tired as Luna felt.

"Found anything?" He asked.

"Morning to you too." Luna said back. "But yes."

"Come, let's walk.'' They left the hall. "So, I have gathered the guards on duty. You need to look at their memories too."

"Yes... I have been able to put together a timeline for Gwyns movements. But the moment the Darkbringers entered... No one saw them until they grabbed her..."

"A cloaking spell?" Helion asked, leading her to a back room.

"Not sure..." The guards stood around in the room. "I need a pen and paper." She walked over to the closest guard.

"Lady Luna..." The guard said.

"We need a room." She said in answer, looking over to Helion. He led them to a smaller space.

"Let your shields fall, and focus on the night. Don't fight me, that will only lead to a headache." Luna instructed. Then they started.

In the late afternoon she was done with all the guards. Luna rested her head against the table, too tired to even get up. Her stomach was aching for food.

"Tell me that was the last one." She mumbled as Helion entered the room. The table was filled with paper containing notes. Helion looked over it all.

"Yes... And still...?"

"Nothing on the Darkbringers." Luna sighed and got up. "Nothing. It is like they appeared just before they took Gwyn."

"Food?" He waved his hand and a steaming plate of food appeared in front of her.

"Thank the Mother..." Luna sighed and started to eat.

"So, your father asked me how it is going for you here." Helion started to talk.

"And what did you tell him?" She focused on her food.

"Quite a lot, like the fact that Tirian has stopped going to Casnova and your little adventure in town. You two are quite friendly."

"And?" Luna said back. "Is that a problem?"

"According to your father?"

"According to you." She put her silverware down. "I know that Oleg is outside of my door at night. And your lovely nephew wants to have my hand, seeing me as quite an 'investment', I think his exact words were."

"Oleg is doing that on my request, but Diego..."

"You don't know, for he does it in secret. In his head." Luna snapped. "I hear everything High Lord, good and bad, I hear everything that they think in silence. So now, if my father is so worried about me being with Tirian, I hope he also gives the others in this Court the same consideration."

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