Chapter 13

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The town below the Day Court's palace was filled with life. Vendors selling their stock, animals walking down the streets. Music and performers in the crowded town squares. Luna walked down the streets and took it all in. Velaris was beautiful, but this place was filled with life in a different way. Her mind was shielded from the citicents thoughts, allowing her to just focus on the sounds of the city. She took the lead into the town, walking past vendor after vendor. One sold fruits, the other jewelry. Further down the street one sold fabrics, then one with spices.

"This is amazing." She whispered to Tirian who followed her closely. "It is so different from back home."

"I guess." He said back, holding her hand. "Can we get away from the noise?"

"Yes..." The two of them left the crowded streets and headed to the outskirts of the town and the river that flowed past it. "Helion said it was called 'Ohn'." She said, nodding towards the water.

"I see..." Tirian leaned against the railing. "I wish I could see the world like you."

"Like me?" Luna did the same at his side.

"You just smile at everything new you see, big or small. You look around you like you are seeing things for the first time. And I... I am just mad that I don't know if this is the first time or not." He sighed.

"Maybe I should be more like you, and ask myself more often why this is the first time I see things." Luna said back. "The first time I left the house, I almost fainted because I got so overwhelmed by it all."

"How old were you?" Luna started to laugh.

"Last month... The same day you came to Velaris." He blinked at her words.


"Yes..." She turned around, looking back out over the town. "My parents are a bit overprotective."

"Why?" Luna sighed, remembering that not everyone knew the full extent of their story.

"Well, my mother died to save the High Lords." Tirian's eyes grew three sizes. "They then gave her the gift of life in return, a year later, in the war, my dad was also killed, and she asked them to give him his life back." Tirian twisted his head.

"So... A family of once dead people..."

"My brother was born dead." Luna continued and the confusion on Tirian's face made her laugh. "And my mother almost died while giving birth. Nesta, my aunt saved them.. But also, my dad's mom and sister were killed centuries ago. So when my mother became pregnant with me, she decided to keep it a secret. Dad wasn't home, and once I was born, alive and well, they decided that it was for the better to not tell anyone. It is hard to kill someone that you don't know exists." Another sigh.

"I guess that is true. So why are you allowed out into the world now?" He looked around. "Without guards."

"They made a bargain that the day my brother returned from the camps I was going to be introduced to the Court." Luna looked back out over the town. "And I am more then capable of defending myself."

"I just guessed that they would send someone with you here."

"Helion is an old friend, even if I would like to not hear what he thinks about my family." She cringed at the memory of his thoughts from the meeting.

"Do I want to know?"

"Probably not." She said and started to walk. "Casnova is waiting for us."

"Great, another session of having two people poking around in my head." Tirian said in answer and came up to her side, taking her hand in his. "Do you really think you can figure this out?"

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