Chapter 7

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It was a week later, Luna knew Evalyn had talked to Nesta and Cassian about her concerns. But no decisions had been made. Luna had tried to stay out of it, focusing on the Darkbringer.

She had tried to find something in his mind, talking to him as she was looking. Hoping that she could find some way to unlock the missing memory. But time after time she failed. Luna was just feeling frustrated by the end of the week.

"Hey, you are doing what you can." The Darkbringer said after another failed attempt.

"But it is not enough. I just want to find your name for fucks sake!" Luna let out a frustrated growl. "We can't call you the 'Darkbringer.'"

"So... What do you think my name is?" He asked back. They were sitting on one of the many balconies at the House of Wind.

"I don't know..." Luna said back, leaning back in her seat. "Probably something hard to pronounce and spell."

"Or something super ordinary." The Darkbringer said. "I don't think I have a super unique name. It doesn't feel right."

"So like what?"

"What are normal ordinary names? I don't even know what type of names exist." He said and laughed.

"I don't know either. I have lived isolated my entire life..." She said, biting her tongue the moment she was done.

"So... Let's come up with a new name." The Darkbringer took a bite from his food.

"So... Where do we start?" Luna asked.

"First letter..."

"That is a start..." Luna smiled. "Let's say S, for start."

"S... St... Stary?" The Darkbringer asked.

"Hell no... That sounds like a dog name..."

"What is a dog?"

"A pet... But you like it?"

"Something like it sounds good." The Darkbringer shrugged.

"Maybe Ary... Tary..." Luna hummed, not liking anyone of them.

"That last one, that sounded better. " The Darkbringer said. "Tary, Tiri. Titan?"

"Tirian?" Luna suggested.

"Tirian..." He rolled the word on his tongue. "I like it better."

"It is way better then Stary." She started to laugh.

"Tirian. Yes, that is my name."

"Tirian... Hi Tirian." Luna said and reached forth her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Lady Luna of the Night Court." Tirian said back, both of them laughing.

"Never use my title with me. It just sounds weird." Tirian's smile only grew. "So, you have a name, now we need an age."

"That one will be harder."

"We will come up with something." As she spoke another presence entered the balcony and Luna turned to find Azriel standing there.

"Luna, you need to get ready." He just said. His eyes locked on Tirian the Darkbringer before his mind opened up to her. Our allies are waiting to meet you.

Who is coming? She said back before getting up, nodding towards Tirian.

Tarquin, Kallias, Viviane and Helion. She saw how Az still was watching Tirian.

Relax Spymaster. We were just talking and coming up with a name. Luna left the balcony.

I am sorry that I have taken an oath to protect you.

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