Chapter 15

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Nyx had learned one thing. He hated patrol flying. Especially at night. Even more, he hated to do it and leave Evalyn alone in the Cabin. Gina lived in the barracks and Noel had his own place. He had asked one of them to look out for Evalyn, but she had told them that it wasn't necessary. He continued his patrol, gliding over the camp looking out for dangers. Then his fathers voice boomed in his head.

Meeting at the camp house, now. Nyx winnowed the same moment the message was finished, landing just outside the door.

Inside, his father, mother and Azriel stood. Azriel's siphons glowed and for a moment Nyx wanted Evalyn out of the house. Far from the wrath the Shadowsinger displayed.

"What is going on?" He asked.

"We need to go to the Day Court." Azriel said, his voice dangerously low. "Now."

"Yes, and you need to come with us." His mother continued.

"Evalyn?" He only asked back. "I can't just leave her. I made a promise."

"She is coming too." His father stated. "There has been another attack." Nyx swore that the floor disappeared under his feet.

"Is Luna...?"

"She is safe. But Gwyn..." Azriel moved as Rhys spoke, and then a crash from the table being broken into two pieces was heard.

"We will explain later. Get Evalyn, some are blinded." Nyx ran up to her room, knocking on her door hoping that she already was awake.

"Yes?" He heard her voice.

"We are needed in the Day Court." He told her.

"Why?" He could hear her shuffle around inside her room.

"Darkbringers have attacked again, leaving more blinded."

"Crap..." Not long after, she opened the door, standing there in the grey healer clothes. "Is Luna fine?" Nyx only nodded as he walked back down. Azriel looked like he was falling apart. Which was a good way to describe a male whose mate was in danger.

"Why was Gwyn there?" He asked, the five of them linked arms preparing to winnow.

"She has been undercover at the Day Court." Azriel hissed. "Against my wishes." The world changed around them and Nyx was forced to blink at the bright light that filled the room.

"Injured?" Evalyn asked at his side and shortly after she was running down the hall away from them. Nyx hesitated. He wanted to follow her but his mother held his arm.

"Az, we all agreed on Gwyn being the best one for this mission." His mother said.

"You agreed, I had my reservations." Anger was radiating from him.

"What is done is done." His father continued.

"She was not meant to get hurt!" Azriel's roar made Nyx flinch, his eyes wandered over to the room which Evalyn had disappeared into.

"Calm down Az!" His father raised his voice back.

"Why was Gwyn here?" It was Luna. His sister stood to the side of the group, dressed in a dark blue gown. "Dad, why?"

"Not here." He only said back.

"Yes, here. Now." Nyx was agreeing with his sister, but he stayed quiet. His mother moved her hand, the familiar click of a shield got placed over them.

"Around the time for Starfall, we got word about a group of Darkbringers that had left Hewn City. Apparently they had left Keir and sworn loyalty only to each other. We have looked through his mind and his words add up so far." His mother said.

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