Chapter 11

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He was standing outside of the clinic, waiting for Evalyn to come out. Luna had left for the Day Court two days earlier, and now, Nyx was supposed to take Evalyn with him to the camp. That was not a problem, he liked the idea of getting a chance to know her better. He just didn't like the fact that no one followed Luna. This Tirian guy... Nyx had a bad feeling.

"Ready?" Evalyn stood in front of him. Two quite heavy looking bags at her feet. Nyx snapped back to reality and left his thoughts.

"Yes, are you?" He asked and picked up the bags. Yes, they were heavy.

"Yes..." He sensed a hint of hesitation, and his mothers warning came back to him.

"Evalyn has been through some things lately, don't pressure her, don't push her about it. And don't you even dare let her walk alone in Windhaven." Nyx got a faint idea of what had happened to her.

"Anything else?" He asked her just before leaving.

"Just be careful." Had been his mothers answer. Now Evalyn took his free hand and held the other bag.

"Are you used to winnowing?" He asked.

"Not really..." Her words were a bit shy.

"If you need to throw up, avoid my pants and we will be all good." He tried to lighten her nervousness. But the glare he received back told him that he had failed. "It will be fine." Then he winnowed. Landing in the clearing behind the House where he had lived for years now. Evalyn swayed on her feet and Nyx was fast in catching her.

"I am fine." She said and got loose from his grip. "I am fine."

"Okay." Nyx picked up her bag again. "What is in this one?" He asked.

"Textbooks, drawing supplies, notebooks... A few tonics." Evalyn shrugged as she spoke.

"I see..." He opened the door to the house. "Make yourself at home." The place looked like shit, Nyx needed to confess that. The week he, Gina and Noel had lived here before the Rite was the last time he was here.

"Cosy..." Evalyn said, unimpressed.

"Yeah... Your room will be on the second floor." Nyx showed her the way, and couldn't help but hear her breath getting strained as they walked up the stairs, but decided to not comment on it. "This is your room, the bathroom is down the hall. Gina and Noel will be coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Any preferences?"

"No soup..." Evalyn said back. "I will come down in a moment. I just need to get my things ready." And with that Nyx walked back down. Lighting a fire and getting the house warmed up again, before turning to clean up the kitchen and living area. He could at least try to make this place look nice.

It was later that afternoon when Evalyn came down and joined him in the cleaning. Nyx tried to protest, but the look she gave him told him to let it go.

"I like to do normal things." She just said and continued on. "So, it is here you have been living?" The question came from nowhere.

"Yes, you could say so..." Nyx said back. "But I did spend a lot of time in the barracks the last few years, hoping to be more... Involved and accepted by the others."

"Hard to be accepted as a... Three quarter blood?" Evalyn started to clean the dishes.

"My blood status doesn't matter. They only see me as the son of their half blood leader. And that is what I will remain. My skill, knowledge and appearance doesn't matter to them. All they see is who my father is."

"So, how did you end up with Gina and Noel?" She asked back.

"Noel was sent here by his parents with the plan to befriend me. Ironically, we both had that feeling of carrying on a legacy too great for us. And we bonded over that. But he is no warrior, and if I get the chance, he will be the Night Court's emissary to the Illyrians. A Carynthian from a respected bloodline. He may be able to start discussions that Cassian and dad never could."

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