Chapter 2

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Nyx panted and moved for the next hit, the blade in his hands collided with his opponent's sword. The Illyrian moved trying to get away but Nyx moved faster, getting a grip with his arms around the Illyrians neck. Forcing him down to the floor of the ring.

"Do you yield?" He growled in the opponent's ear. In response he tapped the floor three times, ending the round. "Good fight." Nyx said and released his grip.

"Good fight." The two of them left, standing in front of Devlon who started to give feedback on the round. Criticising their form and speed, adding in the laziness of one strike. Nyx had learned long ago to never take all of Devlons feedback to heart. Often it was just ways of breaking one down. Just a few steps away he heard Gina and Noel spar. Overseen by Cassian. But Nyx focused on Devlon, waiting until he was done before he left to look at his friends.

"Don't leave your left side open." Cassian shouted, Noel adjusted his stands but it was too late, Gina's kick hit him in the ribs. Forcing him down.

"Do you yield?" She asked. Locking his arm behind his back.

"Yes..." Three taps on the ground and she let go.

"Nyx, you are next." Gina just said, rolling her shoulders and spreading her wings.

"My pleasure." Nyx entered the ring, earning a tap on his arm from Noel as he left. He took his starting pose.

"And start." Cassian called, and the two started to walk around each other. Gina relaxed her face, letting the cold mask of a warrior slip onto it. Nyx did the same, clearing out his head, waiting for the best moment to strike. He watched for any tell, like a sharp breath, a change in tension. But found nothing. And then she struck, her leg and wing coming for him. In an instant Nyx blocked, only to regret it when both his hands were occupied and his side open. Her hand came flying, and the force of the hit together with her pulling her leg made him lose balance. Nyx stepped back, spreading his wings to regain balance.

"Rooky mistake." Cass called from behind him.

"Yea yea..." Nyx hissed and made an attack. Hoping to catch Gina off guard. But the female had seen it coming for miles and turned, dodging his attack and took him down. Her knee pressed into his back between his wings. Arm around his neck... He tapped out before she could ask.

"That was just sloppy Nyx." Gina whispered in his ear.

"Yes... I know..." He got up, shaking her hand.

"Something on your mind?" She kept her voice low. The others were watching them, or more exactly, her.

"Yes... But later." He said and left. Cassian was just shaking his head.

"That was one of the worst rounds ever." He only said.

"I know... I know..." Nyx said back, emptying a glass of water.

"Bad form, bad timing. An ineffective block... And here I was under the impression that you had been training for me the last sixteen years."

"Just..." Nyx couldn't put a finger on it. "I won against Talmar."

"He is no win." Cassina mutterd. "That boy is just gliding on his fathers reputation at this point." That was true, Nyx knew it too.

"I just... I think I'm nervous for next week." He whispered back. "I will do some flight training before cooling down. See you later." Nyx took off, circling the camp a few times before flying off to the west. He was nervous, for himself and for his friends.

Noel was born in a Camp Lords family, they all expected greatness from him. Pushed him to not only be the best, but beyond that. The family had been more than happy when they learned what camp Nyx was going to be in. So they sent Noel to the same camp. Maybe it was just luck that the two boys found each other. Two souls burdened by a legacy they needed to uphold. Noel was good, and the two Shiphons on his hands prove that. But he was kind. More often than not helping to train the younger kids, leaving out extra blankets and meals for those less fortunate. One of them being Gina.

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