Chapter 19

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Five days. Five days of new attempts to break down whatever was hindering Tirians memories from coming back. Her head was pounding, her consciousness was shifting in and out, her head was keeping her from sleeping, and sitting still made her skin crawl. She had skipped the morning training with Novak, hoping to rest up before the afternoons with Casnova. Now... Even Luna was giving up on hope. They had not found Gwyns home, no clue, nothing. She was just walking in circles.

"Knock knock?" Tirian asked from her door. "If you continue like that the floor will have a big hole in it by the end of the week."

"Maybe that is my goal." Luna said back, but stopped her pacing. "I am running out of ideas..."

"Lucky for you that I have one then." Tirian gave her an encouraging smile and grabbed her hand. "I told you, at the beginning of our stay here, that I wanted to go on a real date with you. And I know we had some walks in the town, but that was not what I had in mind. Then a lot of shit happened... But can we do that date here? Dinner, just you and me. No expectations, just food and a nice talk." Lunas breath got caught in her throat.

"Yes..." It was just a hoarse sound. She cleared her throat and tried again. "Yes, I would like that."

"Tonight then, my room." Tirian lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. "Until then, My lady."

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" Luna felt the smile growing on her lips.

"And I will choose to ignore it." Tirian let go of her hand. "No need to dress up, just casual. You and me."

"Do you really think you can call me lady, and then expect me to just go casual?" She started to laugh, nervousness moved back into her stomach, making her look away to hide the blush on her cheeks.

"When you say it like that, maybe no." He placed his hand on her cheek and moved her face towards him. "Don't hide from me." Lunas dared to take in his features.

Dark hair, combed back from his face. Dark eyes, not the star filled sky her brother had, just dark. Well defined but soft features made up his face. She would use the word handsome, maybe even beautiful... He had that look of caring and... Love? She recognised it from the way her father looked at her mother. How Cassian followed Nestas movements. How Azriel always kept an eye on Gwyn... Luna started to search around inside of her. Looking for a bond, a ribbon, a bridge that connected them. But nothing, she could barely even detect his scent... Was she falling in love? Luna asked herself that every time she came close to him, asking herself if the feeling was love or something else. She had never been in love, at least not that she had known of.

But all she had as reference was her family filled with mates, and Kira's declaration a few years back.

"I love you, and I have no idea how to stop." Her friend had said one day, they had been seventeen. Sitting alone in Luna's room. Kira had cried and been so afraid. "And I know I am nothing. No special abilities, no life changing journey. Barely even a pretty face to look at." Luna had stopped her friend at that.

"I don't love you back, not in the way you do. But if I ever hear you call yourself less than pretty again, I will do all I can to tell you that you are so much more than that. So stand up with a straight back, and own it." The two friends had held each other for hours that day. And later Luna had told Kira to go out with Mor one night or two. Kira had done just that, but Luna had a feeling that she still had a crush on her.

"I have a training session with Novak. But I will see you later at the library." Tirians words were just a whisper and he took a step back. He was so close...

"It is time to go then, before you are late." Luna giggled. Tirian took a step back and gave her a nod before he left. Luna stayed behind, the lingering feeling of his hand a tingle on her cheek. Luna let her fingers move over the skin, hoping the feeling would stay longer. But it didn't.

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