Chapter 5

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Nyx looked to the place his sister had just winnowed from. Not sure what the sudden shift in her tone when she saw the sketches was about. He left the gallery, waving to some of the older children he remembered from when he was younger and used to come here when he was home from training. He winnowed high above the city, letting his wings spread out and catch the wind. He had not been lying when he found Luna on the streets. He, Gina and Noel had been doing some patrol flying over the city, circling it time and time again. Now, he joined up with them again. Gina moved her arms to ask where he had been. Nyx only used his powers in answer, entering her mind.

My sister was out and getting lost in the streets. Gina shook her head.

Stupid of her. Is she safe or do we need to find her?

She is safe, and more than capable of keeping herself safe. Nyx said back, withdrawing his powers. Gina let out a laugh and dove down, Nyx followed, finding Noel flying closer to the ground. The trio then took off flying back up towards the House of Wind.

Noel landed first, folding in his wings just before landing at high speed, catching himself by rolling. Only to find himself pinned to the ground by Azriel's boot.

"Next time boy, skip the fancy stuff." The Spymaster said before letting go. Gina landed next, and even if her landing was controlled, her laughter was not.

"See, Noel tries to impress." She said just as Nyx landed. He only gave Azriel a nod.

"Shut it, I am just trying to practise different landings." He mumbled and got up.

"Yea sure..." Gina said back, rolling her eyes.

"How did the scouting go?" Azriel cut them off.

"Good, except for Nyx here going down to help his lost sister." Gina was grinning as she said it. Worry flashed over Azriels face and Nyx gave him an asking look before entering his mind.

Luna is fine, she was just not prepared to hear hundreds of people in her head at once. He said and the worry on Azriel's face faded.

Where is she now?

With her friends, Kira, and I guess Evalyn too. She is fine, and you know it. Nyx said it for himself just as much as for the Spymaster.

I know... I still worry.

"Can you two stop doing that mind thing?" Noel asked. "Will you guide us in sparring Azriel?"

"If you have survived the Bloor Rite and come out as Carynthian, I think you can do some sparring without supervision." Azriel said back.

"Not against Gina, she is terrifying." Noel retorted but Nyx noticed the smile on his lips.

"Against me then?" He said and walked over to the ring. "Come on Noel, scared?"

"Never..." The two of them collided, it was more of a wrestling game then the more elegant sparring they usually did. It was Gina's whistle that called them off.

"Okay boys, you have had your fun. Let me have some too before the two of you are too tired to keep up."

"As the two of them just went about it, I think you will find that none of them will keep up with you in any way." Nyx turned to the third voice. Finding Nesta standing there. Cassian just a step behind. Nyx lowered his head towards them, but mostly for Cassian. Nyx felt no scent of Nestas pregnancy, and for a moment he almost feared the worst. Nesta seemed to have noticed his reaction and shook her head and tapped her tempel with her finger. Nyx understood and used his powers.

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