Chapter 14

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The training area was empty, leaving Luna to work alone in the early morning. Tirian had told Casnova that he needed a break from the attempts to free his mind from whatever curse that was placed upon it. That left Luna to find new things to do in the Day Court. She trained in the mornings, visited the town below the palace at lunch, and tried to figure out her feelings towards Tirian in the evenings.

After the argument the two of them had not really talked that much, just a friendly nod in the hallways, or in training. The second week in the Day Court moved to its end, and with that, the gala Helion had prepared.

"All to show you the true form of my court." He told her the day the invitation came. "Do you want me to invite your family?"

"No, I will be there as the only one representing the Night Court." Luna had said back and left the conversation.

She stopped her movements, hoping to catch her breath before continuing. The gala was this night, and once more she was nervous. This was the second time she was going to meet new people. The first time had ended in her being kidnapped and blinded. Nothing could be worse than that. The doors to the training hall opened, revealing Novak walking in.

"I believed you were in your chambers getting ready." He said and stopped. "The rest of the palace is doing just that."

"I needed to clear my head first." Luna said back and walked up to him.

"From what?"

"The fact that this is my first time attending anything near this grand." she sighed.

"If it helps, in my four hundred and twenty seven years, I always feel a bit misplaced at these types of events."

"Not sure how that helps, but thanks." The two fell into silence. Novak looking around the room, and Luna debating if she should leave now to get ready.

"I heard that Tirian have paused his training." Novak broke the silence. "Got tired of our charming Casnova?"

"More like he got tired of my endless hope." Luna shook her head. "I think I was blinded by the opportunity to make a difference in the world."

"I can see why, the legacy you carry is not an easy one. But at the same time, it is not like your brother has done anything to make a change yet." Novak tried to lighten the mood.

"He just walks in our fathers footsteps and knows his place in this world. I... Not long ago the world didn't know I existed." Luna started to walk, her mind heavy with thoughts.

"The world just doesn't know what to do with you yet! Give it some time first!" Novak called behind her as she left.

Her mother had told her stories of the other Courts, Nesta had taught her how to dance and move, Mor had educated her in etiquette. Luna knew how to navigate this, but to actually do it... She used to believe that she would have Kira and Evalyn at her side, that she would walk down stairs with confidence and a flashing smile. That she would not be scared or nervous. But she was.

She had been that first time, and she was now. A part of her regretted telling Helion to not invite anyone from her home. But who would have come?

Mor? No, she was keeping her distance to the High Lord. Cassian and Nesta? Luna started to laugh out loud at the thought of having a territorial mated male with an expecting mate at a gala like this, with the flirty High Lord Helion himself. More than one building would be taken down if that happened. Azriel? Not alone. Not when Gwyn was on a Mission. Her parents? Nyx? Kira? This was for the better. Her friend might have come if she asked her. But at the same time, Luna wanted to do this alone.

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