Chapter 21

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He kept an eye on the healers building in the camp, the place where Evalyn, at this moment, was working. In the week since he had found her on the floor like that, Nyx had kept an extra eye on her, trying to see when she was in pain or not. He had asked if she wanted him to temporarily remove the pain from her, but she had declined, which had not eased his worries for her. He still had questions that remained unanswered. And while some at this point in time had no answers, like what she was going to do once the day came, and what was going to happen after, there was one that kept on burning in the back of his mind.

Why is she here in the first place? Nyx stood still outside of a ring, barely paying attention to the fight going on just feet from him. "Keep an eye on your opponent" he called out on reflex, shaking his head in an attempt to shift his focus back on his task. With Azriel gone and Gina and Noel still out in the forest looking for more leads, he had been tasked with helping to train novices. Better than flying patrol, but not by much.

"Yea, if you keep an eye on your trainees." One of them said back.

He has a point. Nyx sighed. "That is because you are boring me with your fighting." He commented.

"Fighting is not entertainment." The other novice said back.

"Is it not?" Nyx asked. "Then make it go quick, strike down your opponent fast and clean, no long extended matches that go on and on." The two in the ring stood still, taking in his words.

"But..." The first one started.

"New round, see how fast you can get the other one down." Nyx commanded and the two started. But once again his gaze travelled over to the building, he even moved to the other side of the ring so he had his back against it. But Evalyn still occupied his mind.

"Do you yield?" One of the two trainees asked in the ring. The other tapped out in response.

"Better, but still slow." Nyx only said. "Now, again, focus on making your strikes more precise and..." One moment he talked, the next, a call for help cut through the air.

"Help us!" A male landed, in his arms, a female. Nyx could only watch in horror at the scene in front of him. Blood covered her lower body, her head falling back.

"Cauldron..." He whispered and sprinted towards them. "This way!" The male looked like he was in pure panic.

"She is my mate... It's our first..." The male said and Nyx noticed her belly.

"Sir." Evalyns voice made Nyx jump. "We need to take her inside.What is her name?" So calm. Before Nyx even knew it, the male had placed his mate in his arms.


"And yours?" Evalyn pointed for Nyx to go towards the helders building.


"Owen, we will do all we can to save her." Nyx entered and looked around for a bed. Only to find the hard wooden benches with thin mattress on top.

"Clear the table!" Evalyns voice took command behind him. "Now!" The other healer did as Evlayn told him.

"We don't treat this here." The Healer male said.

"We don't turn away those who needs our help." Evalyn snapped back. Nyx got a feeling that the two of them had had this conversation before. "Put her down Nyx, gently. I need her washed. And can you ask her mate Owen about her pregnancy? How far along she is, complications, when this started." Nyx just looked at her, unsure if she was talking to him.

"Me?" He asked to confirm.

"No, the idiot over there that thinks a female's body is worth less than a males." Evalyn spat back, and the male healer left the room. "And I need you to make sure no one tries to come in."

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