Chapter 8

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Nyx was sure his father was going to explode at his sister's words, and he almost liked it. This was the result of keeping her hidden from the rest. Luna was bold, she demanded to be heard and seen in a way Nyx never had been comfortable with.

"What are you saying?" Kallias asked. "A Darkbringer? With no memory? What does it have to do with everything?"

"We know that at least one Darkbringer was in the group that kidnapped Luna. For she was blinded by one, and there was also someone in the group that helped her escape." Feyre explained.

"Little over a week ago, a Darkbringer with no memory of who he is or what had happened to him appeared." Luna continued.

"Wait a moment. You were blinded by a Darkbringer? But you can see now?" Helion had moved to the edge of his seat.

"We have a very skilled healer in our court." Rhys tried to take back the conversation.

"I believe that with my abilities, combined with your ability to sense and break wards and spells, we can help Tirian to regain his memories."

"Tirian?" Feyre asked. Nyx held back a laugh.

"I think, sister, that you need to explain a lot more to everyone." Nyx sat down and grabbed a drink. He was going to enjoy this to the fullest.

"He wanted a name, and we both felt like 'the Darkbringer' was too crazy and alarming. So we came up with Tirian as an alternative." Luna explaid. And Nyx thought he saw a slight hint of a blush on her cheeks.

Is there something going on between you two? He asked, hoping to find out what made his sister act like this.

No. Her answer was too quick.

Sure? He teased, seeing how his sister was blushing harder. There is something!

No! I just... I just like talking to someone new. She looked away, focusing back on Helion. "We don't know if Tirian was a part of the kidnapping. If not, we still need to help him. And if he is... was... We need to find out what he knows."

"Yes..." Helion looked over to Rhys. "I can see what I can do. But... I would appreciate it if this Tirian and Luna came to live in the Day court for that." Nyx sat up straight.

"Luna is not leaving the Night Court." He said. Not giving one fuck what the others was thinking.

"Hell yes I am!" Luna said back. "You are not keeping me here. I can help Tirian, and if that means going to the Day Court, then I am going to the Day Court."

"We can talk about this in private Rhys." Helion said. "I have other things I want to talk about this night." Nyx was holding his eyes on Luna, his sister was definitely just as stubborn as himself. Nyx was still sitting on the edge on his seat, the drink in his hand was not as appealing anymore.

"Rhys, why is Thesean not here? Is he not a part of our alliance anymore?" Kallias asked from his seat.

"At the moment, the Night Court and the Dawn Court have a strained relationship." Ferye said back, Nyx snapped his head toward her.

Why? He had not heard of it before.

Later. His mother said back.

"Why?" Kallias repeated Nyx's question.

"Let's say that we have different views on things." Feyre sort of explained.

That is a simplification. He heard Luna say in his head.

How did you get past my defences?

Like it was hard? I got past Helion's with no problem. And Kallias and Viviane might as well have no defence at all. Nyx looked at his sister. She was swirling the wine in her glass, looking out from the room.

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