⁷.³⁷battle on titan

Start from the beginning

"That's just sick." Natasha muttered.

"Do your seers know of the outcome of this war? They can foretell the future, correct?" The woman beside T'Challa, Okoye, asked.

Travers nodded again. "Yes, however, this is something far larger than what they can see. Telling the actions of the future is dangerous, just like going back in time. If they tell us, we'll know what happens and to do, and that'll just disrupt it and change it- either good or bad. Hence why everything they mention is foretold in prophecies. Though, with all the results they received, one couldn't be too sure on which prophecy is right."

"Wait, I'm sorry- you said you have an officer in the enemy's ships, looking after the stone. Will they be returning here with the stone? How are you sure that she will be keeping the stones safe?" Bruce asked.

"Are you doubting our people?" Jericho looked towards Bruce, scaring him.

Bruce shakes his head nervously. "N-no. That's not what I was implying-"

"The officer we have up there is a tough brat. She's repulsive, immature, and inexperienced in the terms of being a Hit-Witch, but she's already one of the best and most powerful in our ranks. If anyone can handle being up there, it's her."

Another one of the wizards scoffed a laugh. "If Athena managed to have Jericho here, as her mentor, then she can practically do anything-" Jericho glared at the wizard, which caused him to laugh sheepishly. "Sorry mate."

"Athena?" Natasha asked, looking towards Steve again. "You don't think?-"

"He's right though," Jericho sighed, raking his hand through his hair. "Athena Black is one bloody tough woman."


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Athena sat off to the side, hidden, as they waited for their signal to attack. Her nerves were over the roof, her body was lightly shaking, and her eyes were closed. We all know what that means.

Within the darkness of her vision, she could see a dimly played scene. A battle happening, people of different kinds. There were alien-robotic creatures, normaly humans with advanced technology, men flying in the sky, and a small portion of magic-folk. It's happening. The battle for the mind-stone has started.

As much as Athena wanted to be there and helping out, she couldn't. Her fight was here in Titan, a whole 'nother planet, and she can't change that. Her team here needs her help, as she does theirs. She couldn't abandon them now.

Then she felt a sharp pang in her chest, almost causing her to let out a noise. This was her signal.

Thanos was here.

She moved her head up by the smallest, allowing her to peak at what was happening. Oh yeah. The same titan who gave her night terrors. The same one who sent out wars to Earth. The same one who has already destroyed planets. The same one who has been collecting the infinity stones. The same one who's probably, going to destroy the living. That same one.

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