7. Swimsuit

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Dear porcupine,

Your tired ass snores as loudly as you yell normally so don't worry, I have no intention of ever being there when you're unconscious. Or even conscious.

And I accept your proposal, we'll fight the night before we leave the camp, how about that?

You know, hotshot, I like talking to you like this. At least you are not bursting my eardrums. And thanks for writing back to me, I love that you care about me, little closeted softie.

I hope your injuries are alright.

Bring your gauntlets and everything you've got. See you there.

Also, are you going out with Kirishima? 

Oh and. This is NOT a love letter, again. So don't your hope high <3
~your fav butterfly.

Takami laughed devilishly as she folded the letter and placed it in her bag before leaving for school. The training camp was in a few days and the girls decided to go to the pool. The idea of socializing again seemed like a headache, but then, in this heat, a nice cold pool sounded like a dream. And the cherry on top? Katsumi will get to see Jiro in her bathing suit. Man, I really am a creep.

She was on the way to the train station when she saw a familiar blond.

"Hey, Pikachu," She waved.

"Oh hey!" He jogged to her and smiled brilliantly. "Heading to school?"

"Yeah? How'd you know?"

"Because I am too!"

Yep, I'm outta here. Girls were enough, not the boys too.

"Oh, you know? Actually, I'm not going to THE school, I'm heading NEAR the school." She chuckled nervously.

"What for?"

Why one lie is followed by a hundred?

"I- um, ugh! Never mind, yeah I'm going to school."

"Cool! And I didn't know you lived near here," He said as they boarded the train.

"Yes, well I usually go home late after school so that's why we rarely crossed. And in the morning, I fly."


When they reached the school, they met with Mineta. Their walks turned into sprints as they dashed to the pool in their casual clothes.

Jiro in a swimsuit. Jiro in a swimsuit.

However, when they did reach, they shouted in unison.

"No sexy swimsuit?!"

"Huh? You too? Why?" Kaminari asked Katsumi.

Her eyes widened as she rushed out, "No reason."

She figured they'd be wearing actual swimsuits instead of school ones. Sighing, she walked into the changing room and pulled out her suit from the locker.

When she came back, all the boys from the class were there.

For the next few hours, the class played some water sports and a swimming competition between boys. She was rooting for Bakugo but not wanting to satisfy his ego, she cheered for Midoriya. It was clear he was pissed as hell, which was mad entertaining.

Katsumi sat on the edge, her feet dipped in the water, watching everyone. Or checking everyone out. Boy and girls in swimwear, what a treat.

But as infuriating and annoying as the idea of looking at Bakugo was, the sight was even more heart throbbingly hot. Why do the rudest guys with the shittiest personalities have to be so goddamn hot? Katsumi didn't care much about biceps but every time Bakugo's chest twitched or muscles flexed, she'd have to remind herself to breathe.

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang