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Happy Valentines! 

Katsumi was a hopping rabbit when they entered the park and a nagging toddler that Bakugo had to drag out.

"We'll be late! Aizawa will give us detention if we show up after curfew—HEY!"

Katsumi clung onto a pole outside the main entrance of the Butterfly Garden and wrapped her legs around it.

"I don't wanna go," she whined.

Bakugo sighed and let go of her arms. "Fine," he turned around.

"What?" Katsumi's head hastily jerked to the side resulting in a warm stinging sensation that spread throughout her body. She winced in pain and jumped off the pole. "Wait!"

Bakugo had created much distance between them. He shoved his hands in his pockets and was walking towards the station. "Go on, if you don't wanna leave then don't. Come back on your own! I'm leaving."

"AH!" Katsumi groaned. She threw her hands in the air and stomped her way to him. Her arms crossed over her chest, she let out a huff. "I don't like you anymore."

Bakugo fought back a smile and looked at her. Her face was scrunched up, her glasses missing, and a big pout replacing her beautiful smile. He shook his head and put his arm around her around to pull her closer.

"We'll come back next weekend."

"Promise!?" Katsumi jumped.

Bakugo nodded and gave up his fight to smile. "Has anyone told you, you look fucking adorable when you pout?"

Katsumi snorted and smiled widely. Yes, he says that too.

The pair walked the orange-painted streets of Kyushu. The sun was setting and the cold breeze had begun flowing, prickling needles on Katsumi's cheeks.

"Winter's coming, huh?"

Bakugo hummed in response and puller her even closer. Katsumi snuggled closer to his chest and smiled.

"Cold makes me wanna snuggle and sleep through winter."

"Then, that's what we'll do," Bakugo kissed on her head.

Something inside Katsumi's stomach turned, she felt as if all the butterflies from the Garden had been transported into her. Her heart experienced an absurd amount of blood rushing in and out of it, a surge of serotonin through her veins. No one had had her feel this way. This was not the kind of love she had ever experienced before.

But the one she deserved.

But only if she realized that.

Her mind was racing to come up with a response, anything that would please Bakugo. Because she believed she was obliged to feel the same way and put the same amount of effort to love or be loved. She feared if she didn't, Bakugo might not love her and leave. Like her mother.

No! I'm not letting my mommy issues in the way.

"You okay?" Bakugo asked.

"Huh? Sorry, I spaced out."

A shriek from around the corner stopped Bakugo from replying. The pair looked around, people scurried past them. The delightful, calm evening changed into a horrific, honking, and screaming catastrophe.

Bakugo and Katsumi cut through the terrorized mob, and the sight of the city under a villain attack came in view.

High in the air, Endeavor was fighting a Nomu. The creature looked terrifying. It was nothing like the previous ones shown on the T.V. Several villains popped up as well, but local heroes were fighting them off.

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now