8. Pervert

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Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Iida destroyed the monster within seconds. The rest of the class followed them inside the dense woods. The hot bright sun of summer was radiating flames over their heads as they scattered around.

"We're not done yet," Bakugo stated.

Katsumi followed his eyes and saw a few similar creatures heading toward them. Behind her, everyone decided to charge forward and fight their way out. Katsumi rolled her eyes and took her shirt off. She then tied it to her waist and flew high above them.

"Where do you think you are going, Pigtails!?" Bakugo shouted.

"To the camp, duh?" Katsumi felt a little uneasy to fly this time, "I'm not gonna waste my time and energy here, fighting useless creatures. I leave it to you peasants-"

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHITTY CRAP!" Bakugo shouted, blowing explosions from his palms.

"Huh?" Then Katsumi realized someone had grabbed her leg. "EW, FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING PERVERT."

Mineta groped her leg tighter, a drool escaping his mouth, he mumbled, "Ah sweet Mama-"


Bakugo was now in the air, while Katsumi struggled to kick Mineta off. He kept making explosions with one hand to levitate while the other was positioned in front of Mineta's face.

"Don't ever touch her." He then blasted the boy away.

Both Katsumi and Bakugo landed on their feet.

"Don't run away, coward. If you can't beat these disgusting beasts, don't expect to beat me."

"OH!?" Katsumi's ego was hurt this time. "Let's bet, shall we?" She walked closer to him. He was a few inches taller than her, "The loser will have to say, in front of the whole class, that the winner is better than the loser."

Bakugo raised his brows and smirked, "Alright." He started moving closer, "Memorize the lines till then, you can't beat a single one of them--" 

There was close to nothing space between their faces. Their breaths became a little heavy, or at least Katsumi's was.

"--And looks like I'm in lead," He breathed out lowly.

It sent chills down Katsumi's body. Not only was he close but goddamn, was that hot? She was about to reply but was interrupted by Kaminari.

"Hey, lovebirds! A little help?"

"Tch, Moron." Bakugo dashed towards another monster, "don't you fucking cheat!"

It was the perfect opportunity to test the paralyzing drug she had been working on and, thanks to Kirishima, she had a new idea. Other students worked together to beat the creatures, and then there was Bakugo who was screaming and exploding everything that came in his way. 

Yep, he's gonna beat me. What the hell was I thinking?

Another beast screeched above their heads. AHA! Perfect! She launched upwards and expanded her wings. It was pretty congested down there so she felt rather free here.

Let's do this.

A lot more than three hours later, when everyone crawled back to the camp, it was already dusk. The sun set low and the sky picked its favourite hue; orange. Katsumi had no strength in her to walk, let alone fly. Her wings were barely ten centimetres long after killing the last of the beasts. But not only her, everyone was so tired and literally limping on their way.

"-You did much better than we expected." The blonde Pussycat spoke, "You guys were seriously great, especially the five of you," she pointed towards Iida, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, and... Katsumi?

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now