19. Detention Partner

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When Bakugo read the note he found in his pocket, he couldn't stop smiling. First, he was pissed at why he let his guard down when she snuck that in but later seeing Katsumi's perfect orientated handwriting, he felt a certain form of happiness.

He re-read the letter for hours. He was glad at least she was urging him to stay friends. But he still regretted the way he confessed.

As for Katsumi, she also couldn't keep Bakugo out of her mind. Those two nights, kissing him and him confessing his love, felt like forever ago but were fresh inside her mind.

Every time her day ended on a bad note, she'd replay those moments in her mind like an old VCR playing her happy memories.

Although, those brought bitter feelings of rejection with them sometimes Katsumi wondered if this happened for the best? She hadn't had the greatest crush on Jiro... well she did, but it was nothing compared to what Bakugo felt for her.

She was obsessing over him more than she did for Jiro. She knew, after the way everything rolled out, Bakugo didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve Katsumi's love, even if she did love him.

Katsumi had already begun questioning if she started loving him; will it be real or just out of pity? Will it meet his expectations or just crash his world again? Will it be enough... enough like his? Will it be the same as his? Will it patch the wounds Katsumi had created? Or will it cut him deeper than before?

Do I love him? Or am I encouraging the idea of loving him so he feels better?

"Takami, if you zone out once more, you're running twenty laps after school."

"Sorry, sir."

Bakugo, Bakugo, BAKUGO! Get out of my goddamn mind!

She glanced at Bakugo already looking at her. He didn't take his eyes off of her this time. Katsumi's body went under certain reactions. Her breathing became erratic as if she had forgotten how to breathe, her heart thumped loud enough to be heard in her ears.

He kept his gaze on her, pulling her in his compulsion. Even though she was in class, she felt she was floating among the clouds. Her heart was calm and racing at the same time.

"That's it, Takami detention for the rest of the week."

"Alright," Katsumi slumped into her seat and slid lower.

When the class was about to end, Bakugo did something no one had expected him to. He stood up, flipped his table on the ground, and stormed out of the class. When his figure disappeared from the dead silent class, the bell rang loudly to bring everyone out of the compulsion of shock.

"Seems like Takami got a detention partner," Aizawa said and walked out of the class.

Katsumi didn't see him in lunch even though she sat with the rest of the Bakusquad. She didn't see him during license training either. He was just gone.

After lunch, Katsumi was practicing with Mina for the provisional exams. They were shooting their toxins on target.

Katsumi's vision lost its focus and she  stared to space with her fist closed, thinking about Bakugo and why he did what he did.

"Sumi, you okay?"

"Huh? Sorry," She looked around, "I got distracted."

What is up with me!? My thought keep crawling back to him again and again. It's making me very uneasy.

"Alright, let's melt these sons of bitches!" Mina exclaimed and stood in her fighting stance.

"What the hell?" Katsumi stared at her palms. The orange toxin was crystallized into small round stone-like balls. "Hey Mina, touch this."

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now