14. But Katsumi

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Bakugo was in deep sleep when a loud knock jerked him up. Massaging his eyes with the back of his hand, he yawned as his vision adjusted. He looked at his clock displaying 2:34 a.m. Another set of knocks startled him. It wasn't a dream, someone was outside.

In a drunken stumble, Bakugo opened his door. Through squinted eyes, he gaped at the figure in front of him, ready to yell the house down.

Katsumi flung on him, sobbing and shaking. Her body was extremely cold and quivering like a soaked puppy in rain.

With heavy breaths and a shaky voice she muttered, "I'm so scared, Bakugo..."

"Let's get inside." His words were soft as he slowly guided her inside. A wave of fear and uneasiness swarmed inside his chest. He'd have yelled or literally punched if anyone had woken him up like this.

But Katsumi...

Katsumi moved slowly to his bed and sat on the edge. Tears were rolling down like an everlasting river descending from a mountain. Her fists were tightly shut as her nails drew blood from her palms.

Bakugo settled beside her and in a low voice asked, "What happened?"

"Bad dream..." she snuffled.

"You are shivering, idiot."

"I'm so fucking pathetic." She flinched and sobbed harder. She jabbed her knuckles on her knees sturdily. "I let you get caught twice and-and-"

"Who the fuck told you that? If anything, you were abducted because of me."

"No... no. I could have detected those villains when they entered the camp b-but for some reason I didn't. And now, now it's all so pitiful that I can't sleep alone anymore."

"C-calm down..." Bakugo placed his hand over hers and tapped slightly. She stopped fidgeting and looked at his blurry image. "None of this is your fault, stop blaming yourself."

"I'm so scared... I feel like he's constantly watching me." Her voice came out as a whisper. It was so low but clearly audible in the quiet abyss of Bakugo's room. "Every single hour of the day. I haven't slept a minute this past week and just now I had a freaking nightmare of him torturing me and m-murdering you..."

"It's okay I won't let him hurt you... but seriously, you're scared of that wrinkly ballsack burnt toast?"

Katsumi turned to him with tears still spilling out and a chuckle left her mouth.

"Ballsack burnt toast... do you ever learn people's names?"

"Only the one that matters."


"Um, my own and... no one."

"Not me either huh? And I thought you cared about me..."

"Go fuck yourself, Pigtails. I couldn't care less about you."

Katsumi chuckled. "Bakugo..."


"I don't think I can sleep alone, not tonight."

"I'll take the floor. Sleep here and just this once! I'll burst your ass through the sky tomorrow if you disturb my sleep again."

"Don't worry, I can fly back."

"Go to sleep, dumb insect."

"That's an upgrade."

The next morning, Bakugo woke up at 6 as usual. But what was not usual about that morning was Katsumi was fast asleep in his room. Snuggled up to him. On the floor. He even had his arms around her.

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now