2. Die

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Katsumi walked into the class to find Bakugo yelling at the poor boy Midoriya. She recognized him because right after lunch Midoriya came running up to her and very sweetly, very nervously asked about her quirk with a notebook and pen in his hand.

Normal Katsumi would've rolled her eyes and told him to fuck off but this Katsumi was changed, wanting to fit in so she could easily disappear into the background as quickly as possible. Of course, she was aspiring to be a hero and she was good at it. She'd face the spotlight when it's necessary, not in high school. And, there was something about Midoriya being genuinely endearing that she couldn't help but break her walls.

"Hey Deku! I don't know what's happening to your powers, but it's seriously pissing me off."

She walked past the angry porcupine and settled at her desk. Who is Deku though?

"-I'll show you how much better I am. And Todoroki, I'll kill you too," Bakugo growled pointing a finger at Todoroki who silently walked out, rolling his eyes.

"Do you ever shut up?" A groan left Katsumi's mouth as the words rang in the silent class.

Oh fuck, did I say that out loud?

"What did you just say?" Bakugo glared at her. His jaw was clenched tightly, his eyes radiated a murderous aura.

Welp, no backing down now.

"Yeah, I've been in this class for just three hours and you're already a headache. How do you guys even tolerate him?"

"Listen you pink-haired little shit, don't piss me off or-"

"Or what? You are only talk, you can't do shit."

The handful of students in the class let out an 'ohhhh' and someone gasped only fueling Bakugo with more rage. He marched to her desk.

"Bakubro don't-"

"SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugo shouted. He slammed his hands on her desk and bent to her eye level. He spoke in a low deep voice, rather slowly, "If you don't want to die, stay away from me. I'm gonna be the number one hero and I don't give a tiny shit about you or your damn pink hair. You're no match to me."

"Yeah, you're right. We're no match," Katsumi smirked, "I'm far better than you."

Bakugo glared at her, his eyes burning red from anger.

"So, go run off to your desk like a good boy. Or do you want to see how better I am?"

"Takami no-" Mina interjected.

"It's okay, Mina. I'm kinda into wiping the floor with egoistic arrogant boys. So what do you say, Hotshot? Wanna see if we are a match?"

"You are so on." Bakugo pulled himself up and grabbed her hand. "Come on."

"Eh? Like right now?"

"Oh are you scared?" he smirked, pulling her out of her seat.

"Bitch, please. Let me grab my stuff at least-"

"Oi dunce face, take her stuff."

Kaminari narrowed his eyes, "What am I, your servant?"

Bakugo stopped. He didn't face Kaminari, instead, his hands started blasting small explosions. So that's his quirk. It's kinda powerful.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll do it," Kaminari whined and ran to Katsumi's seat.

Bakugo led her out of the school followed by the rest of the 'bakusquad'. They were constantly whispering to each other so Bakugo sped up gaining much distance between them. His large hand was wrapped around her arm, forgotten after some time.

It was half past four, the sun hid behind the clouds covering the sky in hues of pink and orange. Katsumi noticed Bakugo's demeanour up close. His clothes were loosely worn, his tie missing and his pants baggy. His bag was hung on one shoulder and a vein was popping from his throat.

She remembered she had seen Bakugo before, in a slug villain incident. She wondered if the cause of his loose clothing was PTSD from that incident.

"Alright now," he let go of her hand harshly causing her to spin around and face him. They were in a park, ten minutes away from the school. "FIGHT!"

"Easy, cowboy," Katsumi let loose of her tie and started unbuttoning her shirt.

"What are you doing?!" Bakugo yelled, his eyes widened as he hesitantly turned around.

"Bro! Don't look!" Kirishima jumped in front of Sero and Kaminari, who were about to faint, covered their eyes and closed his own eyes. "Takami! It's not a manly thing to do in public!"

Katsumi laughed as she proceeded to unbutton. "Relax, I'm wearing a vest inside." She ensured them and took it off to reveal a completely backless plain black vest.

"I can't afford to tear my shirt apart from my quirk." She stood in a fighting stance and smirked, "Come at me now, Hotshot."

Without giving it a second thought, Bakugo dashed towards the girl, his hands shooting explosions behind him. "DIE!" he shouted, launching a blast to her face.

"You're slow."

A cloud of smoke appeared in between them, completely covering both of them.

"Oh, are you okay Takami?" Mina called.

Slowly, when the smoke disappeared, a huge set of Olive coloured wings came into the view. Bakugo jumped backwards, trying to understand. The huge wings that had been covering Katsumi's body flew open, taking her up in the air. Her two ponytails soar high above her head, and her blue eyes radiated a neon glow.

"You little-" Bakugo screamed. He set off a few explosions and charged straight at Katsumi.

"Oh, you can fly too? That's a match made in heaven." She laughed and easily dodged his attacks.

This went on for a few minutes; Katsumi had excellent control in the air. Her wings were now smaller making her mobility easy. She effortlessly glided in the air, missing all of Bakugo's explosions.

"It's getting tiring," Takami yawned. She landed on her feet, while Bakugo tried to catch his breath. "Let's end this, shall we?"


Katsumi expanded the size of her wings exponentially, "what is it you say? Oh yeah, DIE!" And with great force, she flapped the wings once. A strong gush of wind erupted from her direction, shaking the ground and charging at wide-eyed Bakugo.

He flew backwards and crashed into a tree. His body twitched as he tried to get up.

"Damn you, Fuck-face." He groaned and lay down.

"That was awesome, Takami!" Mina squeaked. Sero and Kaminari joined them as she put her shirt back on.

"You really yeeted Bakugo, nobody ever managed to land a single blow!" Kaminari laughed, "And you actually blew him!"

"That..." Katsumi began to say, "...was weird phrasing but yay!"

"You have a great quirk!" Sero grinned.

Meanwhile, Kirishima was the only one who ran to his best friend's aid. He bent down and tried to help him.

"Are you okay, Bakubro?"

"Leave me alone!" Bakugo snatched his hands back and stood up. He then scoffed and turned around to walk home. "Fucking bitch."

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora