12. Into Space

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Five-years-old Katsumi peeked from behind a wall as a couple entered their wrecked tent. They had been living on the streets for the past year. Keigo was the one approached by them.


"Call your mother, dear," The lady said. Keigo ran inside and called his mother.

Tomie walked out, scared. "H-how may I help?"

"We are from," the man showed an ID, "The Hero Public Safety Commission office."

Tomie quickly grabbed Keigo's shoulder and in a shaking voice said, "Their father has been arrested and we don't have anything to do with him anymore."

"We know." The woman bent to Keigo's level, "You were the one who saved those people, weren't you?"

"Yeah..." Keigo replied.

"We know your conditions are awful and raising kids is difficult." The man said to Tomie. "We'd like to take Keigo under our wing at the hero public safety commission. You can get compensation for that and live your life however you like."


"It's our best bet. He's got amazing skills and he'll be a great hero. Don't you wanna be?"

"Y-Yeah..." Keigo replied, squishing the Endeavor plushie in his hand.

The couple announced the compensation money and Tomie's ears perked up. She agreed to give Keigo up.

"NO!" Keigo ran towards Katsumi and held her hand. "I won't go anywhere away from my sister!"


"No! You have to take her as well. Or I'm not going. I'll fly far away!"

The woman turned to Katsumi. "Has she manifested her quirk yet?"

"No, she doesn't want to be a hero!" Keigo shouted.

"But-" Katsumi said in soft voice. "-isn't it what you will be, brother?"

Keigo nodded and smiled.

Katsumi looked over at the couple. "Then I want to be a hero as well. Just like my brother."

The man smiled. "Alright, we'll take you both. Is that okay? We can give you a couple million Yen extra."

Tomie's eyes widened, "Okay... Okay."

"Brother? Where are we going?"

"New home... I'm going to be a hero!"

A continuous beeping sound filled Katsumi's ear as her eyes fluttered. She slowly opened them and faced a black-colored fan on the ceiling. Her head turned sideways. Hospital?

She lifted herself with a throbbing pain behind her head, limbs numb, and vision slowed. Then it hit her. Bakugo.

She jumped from the bed. Cold floor burned through her feet as she jogged outside. There was the old man in a yellow costume sitting.

"What happened? Is he alright?"

"Oh you're awake, thank god. Yes, he is fine. We saved him."

"What time is it? Where is he?"

"Calm down, kid." Aizawa walked in. "He's at his house. You were out since last night, we've been worried. Come on, let's get you home."


Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now