46. Feisty

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When Katsumi left UA, she had no plan, no idea where she was going.

All her sanity, her rational thoughts were consumed by those horrific images and words. 

"Pro Hero Hawks injured." "Number two Hero is on the brink of death." "Hawks beaten up by petty criminals." "Was that a publicity stunt?" "Will Hawks be okay?" "Hope he dies!" "Get well soon Hawks!" 

Katsumi's eyes were open but her sight was gone. She wandered in the streets at dawn, thinking about Keigo. The thought of UA, the final exam, nothing came to mind. Why would any of that matter? Why would becoming a hero matter if she loses the one person she needs the most. It was Keigo who even motivated her and sparked the idea of being a hero. He taught her and took care of her. If she lost him, nothing would matter.

Wiping tears off her face, she tried to kick images of him smiling, laughing, and all those moments out of her mind. For his recovery, she couldn't do anything. But for his sake and her own, she needed to do one important task. So, she set afoot to complete her new goal.

Kill Dabi. 

Of course, this was not ideal or acceptable, nor would Keigo appreciate it. But the rage, the heartache, and the agonizing mental pain Dabi had caused her, and her brother now, she couldn't not do anything.

He was the reason Katsumi had to stay apart from Keigo. He was the reason Bakugo was kidnapped. He was the reason Katsumi had terrible, terrible nightmares. He was the reason for everything bad. How could she stand by and live through it all?

 The bag, which had nothing but her cell and money, hung over her shoulder as she sauntered on the empty streets. Where would she go? Her apartment was easily detectable, not the hospital either. She thought of some secluded places where no one would bother looking. 

If Katsuki comes looking for me, I know he'd go where I'm thinking of going.

Thus, she decided against going to the villains' old base and instead headed to a new location. 

Her ponytail hovered over her head at all times, telling her the exact locations of people around her. She avoided all the interactions she could and went straight inside the place. 

It was the warehouse where the LOV kept Nomus and where All Might and One For All fought. But the only problem was that it was completely destroyed. Barely any space to sneak inside, piles and piles of rock and dirt. 

She managed to find a way in and after doing a brief scan, she settled in, devising her plan.

She spent two days trying to find Dabi's location. She'd sit in a cafeteria, listening to the news for as long as she could without being suspected. UA had filed her missing report which made it impossible for her to go out, for at least the day.

One night, when she was walking down the street, she smelled a familiar smell. It was odd, almost funky, and pungent. She quietly followed the direction, trying to figure out the source. 

An old man, much smaller than her came into view.

He was the one who saved her when she was kidnapped. Apparently, his name was Gran Torino and he was a pro hero. But she didn't give a crap, she was focused on the conversation he was having with the other man, detective Tsukauchi. 

Katsumi had had some experience with him, even before coming to UA. He'd come by HPSC several times. He was a good man. But whenever he's involved, things are always serious.

She tried to get closer, trying to hear what they were talking about. All she needed was some information on Dabi. And finally, she did. He was spotted in Hosu, exactly the spot where Iida, Midoriya, and Todoroki fought Stain.  

She quickly and quietly got out of the area and dashed to her previous location. Hurriedly, she packed her stuff and flew across town to Hosu. 

It was the most irrational and spontaneous she had been. Flying from Yokohama to Hosu took so much strength out of her, but adrenaline and rage pumping through her veins provided enough to fly across Japan for her brother.

She had no choice but to go to the Villains' old base-- the bar-- because there was nowhere else to go, and that was the closest she could get to Dabi.

Upon reaching the foot of the building, she saw the lights of the top floor on. 

An eerie chill ran down her neck. Who could it be? Dabi or Bakugo. She knew Bakugo and probably others would come looking for her. It could be them. Or it could be Dabi coming back to the hideout.

Was she really ready to face Dabi? Would she win? Does she really have what it takes to beat a real villain? Doubts, questions, anxiety, and fear kicked in. Her hands trembled as she clasped her bag tighter. Unknowing tears fell down her eyes as Hawks' image crippled her mind again. 

It is all his fault! It's all... his fault.

She had come too far. She had risked everything; her career, her relationship, her and Keigo's dream. It would all go in vain if she returned now. But she would lose it all anyway if she went in. 

Keigo might get angry, I'll probably lose Katuki. My days at UA are as good as over. Is it worth it? All this... Is it really worth fighting this monster?

"Is it really worth it?" She spoke softly. "All I want," she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, "is to land a punch so good that breaks his nose. All I want is to show him what pain feels like."

Her palms balled up in a fist as her wings shortened their size. Her eyes gleam neon green again, as soon her feet left the ground.

"Is it worth it?"

Her wings silently took her to the top floor and as she hovered in front of the window, she smiled.

"Hell yeah, it is!" She kicked through it and burst inside the place.

"I'll show you how feisty I really am."

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin