49. Little Baby Sister

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Katsumi hurriedly jumped off the bed when Kirishima stopped talking. But Bakugo jumped between her and the door to stop her.

"You're not going anywhere. Stay, I'll go and check upon him."

"You won't stop me, Katsuki."

"Listen to me, Pigtails, you're not fully recovered. Don't exert yourself."

Katsumi sighed and looked up at him, "I promise I won't. Please don't stop me from seeing my brother right now."

Bakugo looked back at Kirishima and then nodded. As soon as he moved to give Katsumi space to go out, she ran as fast as possible.

"Ninth floor!" Sero shouted.

Katsumi ran faster after showing a thumbs up to him.

Her heart raced exceptionally fast as she stood impatiently in the elevator. Once out of the elevator, it didn't take long to find the room where Keigo was.

Doctors and nurses running in and out, and some reporters slump back at the end of the hallway. Time seemed to be of the essence, but for Katsumi, it somehow stopped that moment. Or was it moving in slow motion?

She tried to stop a nurse and ask him what was going on but he left without answering. She ran up to another but they gave no proper reply. Even questioned why she was out of her room.

Then, Katsumi's eyes fell on a figure standing far away from the reporters. She sighed and walked up to him.

"Um, I-I'm Katsumi."

Endeavor pushed himself from the wall and faced her properly.

She continued, "Is my brother alright?"

He looked at her head to toe, dressed in a hospital gown. "You caught Dabi?"

Katsumi nodded softly. "What is going on?"

"Hawks had a cardiac arrest," He answered. "His condition is quite unstable."

Katsumi attempted to say 'oh' but her voice didn't come out. She weakly nodded at him and walked to one of the chairs outside the room. Even though the room was extremely loud with all the hustle-bustle, everything was muffled in Katsumi's mind.

Her eyes fixated on a small stain on the floor near her bare feet, her shaking hands clutched together over her stomach, and her lungs struggling to regulate constant breathing.

Keigo, I'm so sorry. I should've come sooner.

Her right leg began shaking as tears bested up.

I know I was reckless... Are you angry with me? I am so sorry. Please wake up Keigo.


She jolted in her seat as she felt a warm hand on her back. Blurry, watery eyes turned to her side and saw Endeavor seated beside her, softly patting her back.

"He's going to be fine."

"You just said he had a cardiac arrest, and look at these doctors running around. This wouldn't be the case with a person who's going to be fine."

"He's Hawks... he'll pull through."

"I hope," she said as she sniffled. "I really hope so."

"Here," Endeavor extended his hand and offered her his handkerchief.

"Aw, look at you two bonding!"

Katsumi turned to Mina's sudden squeal. Then, her eyes fell on others; Kirishima, Bakugo, Midoriya, Kaminari, Sero, Jiro, and Todoroki.

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