23. Lucky

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On the day of the UA Festival, Katsumi was in the dressing room tying her hair up in a bun.

Everything was prepared. The dancing team, the instrumental and singing team, and the effects team were ready to go.

But one problem child was missing.

"Where's young Midoriya?" All Might came asking.

"He hasn't returned from the store yet," Momo replied.

"Like his father... oh what?" Katsumi mumbled and chuckled.

Bakugo let out a snicker since he was right behind her.

Their eyes locked momentarily. There was something oddly comforting about the look. Both of them wanted nothing but one another but were too stubborn to act.

"Oh!" Mina exclaimed, bringing them out of the compulsion, "He's here. Everyone ready!?"

"Hell yeah!" Bakugo and Katsumi yelled together.

"Soulmates," Kaminari nodded alongside Kirishima.

While the curtains drew, everyone positioned themselves. Katsumi stood in the front row, ready for the cue. They had practised tirelessly for this. Even more for the little girl, Eri, they rescued.

"Let's kill them!" Bakugo shouted and strummed the drums. The dancers swayed to the beat and broke into their routines.

With Jiro's sweet singing and Bakugo's drums, Katsumi felt an absurd amount of irony.

I'm dancing to their rhythm. But, which one?

She closed her eyes and felt the music flow in her. Jiro's voice died down in her head, replaced by Bakugo. Katsumi smiled.

When the song was about to end, Midoriya and her exchanged knowing nods and ran from their respective places. While Midoriya exited the stage, Katsumi rushed to the back.

Right behind Bakugo, she took her blazer off.

"NOW!" Bakugo yelled.

Katsumi's wings sprang out, shimmering with white and orange crystals. She had her toxin crystallized and embedded in them.

The lights reflected off it, and mixing with the laser beam Aoyama was shooting, the hall lit up like a disco. Katsumi's eyes locked with Eri in the crowd.

She's smiling!

Katsumi enlarged her wings and flew above the crowd, throwing confetti in the air.

Bakugo watched her flutter around in the hall as the ending of the song on the piano played. The imagery in his head played in slow motion as if he was watching a movie. Katsumi was radiating. Laughing and floating around like a fairy, making everyone around her full of joy.

Katsumi had never looked more gorgeous, Bakugo thought. Her bun had come undone and strands of hair flew behind her. Her arms moved around, so fluidly in the air like a fish gliding in water.

The show ended and everyone went back to change. When Katsumi exited the dressing room, she bumped into Bakugo standing outside.

"Hmph," she stumbled. "What the hell?"

"Who is inside?" He asked.

"Uh, no one. Everyone left-"

Bakugo grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

"Hey, hey what?" She protested as she got dragged inside. Bakugo shut the door behind her.

"Talk to me. I can't stand this anymore."

Inches Away // Bakugo Katsuki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now