"Anyway...I'm gonna go take a shower, wanna join?"

"Huh? Oh. Yeah"
He mumbles.
Both of our eyes widen we he realizes what he just agreed to.

"No! I meant-"

"Too late"
I pick him up and throw him over my shoulder.

"No! Bakugou!"
He whines, hitting my back, the rises up, straightening his back, now looking down at me.

"I don't want to shower with you"
He says embarrassed.

"You're expression tells me you want to but are just too embarrassed"
I grin.
His cheeks are flushed and his gaze averted, a shy smile on his face. He looks really cute.

"Just kidding"
I put him down.

"Now go and take a shower"
I ruffle through his hair and he goes over to his room.

Jesus christ!
I keep forgetting how sensitive he is about his body!
I really should chill!

When I step out of the bathroom again, Icyhot's laying in my bed, staring at his phone.

"What are you looking at?"
I ask and sit down next to him.

He sighs, putting his head on my lap.

"Do you want to go see a movie on the weekend?"
I ask.

"Ohhh~ am I being asked on a date?"
He laughs.

"I suppose"
I answer and he laughs.
I look down at him, brushing some of his hair aside.

"Does it still hurt?"
I ask, talking about the wound on his head.

"No. I think it's healing"

"That's good. How about the rest?"
I ask, pulling his shirt up to take a look at the bruises.
The are barely visible now, the only reminder are some little red spots and of course, the huge emotional damage they left behind.

"Bakugou it's been a week since then. Don't worry"
He pushes my hands away.


"No but. It's shitty but we just have to accept it."

"Fine then.''
I bite my lip, stopping myself from yelling at him.
None of this is acceptable, none of this is fair. But he doesn't want to admit it, because his father messed with his mind to the point that his strong-willed and stubborn son thinks, the abuse is his fault.

"Oh wait. Now that I think about it, we have to go to dinner with my parents this weekend"
I try to change the topic. Only for his sake of course, since he's visibly uncomfortable with this situation.


"Yeah. My mom likes you"

"I like her too. But uhm...you won't tell her about us, right?"

"Oh....I already did"

"You what!?"
He yells and sits up.
I put my finger over his lips and pull him back down.

"I told her a while back! And it was more like a question"

"I don't get what you're saying"

"I asked her how she would feel about me being in love with a man. And she said she didn't mind as long as I was happy and for once, would actually treat someone nicely."

"That's sweet of her."

"But I still think she knows I was talking about you"

He sighs embarrassed.

"Give me your phone for a sec"
He suddenly says, holding out his hand.

I ask, already in the process of handing it to him.

"I have a bad feeling."
He mumbles.
"What's your pass code?"


"Why those numbers?"
He asks, unlocking my phone.


"Bakugou! Are you kidding me?"
He asks, pointing out my wallpaper.

"What? Don't like the picture?"

"How many pictures did you take of me sleeping!?"

"I can't help it! You're too cute when you're all snuggled up against me"

"That many!? I liked you better when you weren't so honest!"
He whines embarrassed and I hug him.

"You're so cute when you're embarrassed"
I whisper.

"Please stop calling me that"
He continues whining.

"What? Calling you cute?"
I ask, at this point finding teasing him like this just incredibly amusing.

"I hate you"
He whines embarrassed.

"And you're the perfect size to cuddle! So cute~"
I say and he hits me, his face nearing a bright red color.

"Since when we're you so clingy!?"

"You're one to talk"
I say, patting his head.

"So...about the dinner..."
This time he changes the topic.

"Ah right. So it's my parents and my aunt. Normally my cousin would join us, but her boyfriend lives somewhere around here, so she spends most of her time with him"

"How old is she?"

"Like 60"
I mumble as I click through the movies, my other hand still on my boyfriend's head.

He laughs

"She always tells me how I should listen to her because she's older. I think she's like...22  now or something."

"That's nice."

"Just in case you meet her some day, I better warn you. She can read your thoughts."


"Her quirk. Her and her dad are espers. Their quirks are telepathy. Unlike her dad, she isn't able to control it. Their radius is only about 25 feet (~7.5 m)"



"That means she can read your thoughts when you hang out, right?"

"Whenever I'm around her, I listen to music or podcasts or something. When she wants to talk to me, she can just say it in my head, but still can't listen to my thoughts."

"A bit rude, but good strategy"

"You know, I don't have that quirk, but can still read your thoughts"
I grin.

"Oh yeah?"
He scoffs with a slight smirk.

"Yeah. I can read it on your face"
I grin and put my hand on his cheek

"What am I thinking now?"

"That I'm am idiot. And that you wanna kiss this idiot. Am I right?"

He chuckles and moves up, closing his eyes.
I smirk and kiss him softly.

Who knew you could feel this happy just because if one person?

1533 words

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