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This is like...part 2 of chapter 13 ig?
Sorry for the thing with ch 13, wattpad was being a d*ck.
Anyway! Enjoyy


After what felt like an eternity, but in reality were only about 10 minutes, Icyhot comes out of the bathroom, sitting down next to me, not wearing the hoodie yet.
I put bandages over the cuts, that despite the strips holding the skin together, have started bleeding again.

As I patch him up, Icyhot sits there just silently watching me with a guilty look on his face, probably not sure of what is appropriate to say in a situation like this. And he isn't the only one in a bind.

When I'm done, we just stare at eachother for a moment, until I make the first move. I lift hands to his face and gently caress his cheeks, then squeeze his face together.

"You little-! Do you even have the slightest idea how worried I was when you didn't pick up your phone all fucking day!? I really think I spoil you too much! I shouldv'e just taken you with me"
I yell and he stares at me, looking a little helpless, then his eyes begin to water again.

"Wah! No! I'm sorry~ don't cry"
I say, in a bit of a panic.

"Pfft! No"
He laughs, putting his hands on mine, that are still squeezing his fragile face.
"Thank you! Just...all this time I'd been wondering how you'd react and what you'd say. My guess was on spot"

"Jeez! You had me so scared there for a second!"
I stay, pulling him into a hug.

"I really am sorry though"
He sniffles.
"I keep putting you in a fucked up position"

"Look at who is using curse words like all the big boys~ Bad Todoroki!"
I scold him and laugh.
"Don't worry about me. I don't mind it....that much. I'll be fine... It's just that I can't help if you don't at least explain what is even going on."

"I-this....I-I'm tired!"
He stutters, pushing me down.
My head lands on my fluffy pillow and I stare down at the boy, burrying his face in my chest yet again. I shift, changing the position of my pillow, so I can look down at him properly.

I stop when he starts moving too.

Again, I wish this was a different setting. A different context because if it was, I'd totally kiss him right now. Then I'd grab-

"These injuries..."
He starts, visibly sturggling to put it into words. I stay quiet, in my head beating the shit out of myself for letting my mind go into the gutter.

He mumbles.
"I-I can't. I'm sorry"
He covers his face in his hands.

I sigh and grab his arms. In a smooth motion, I flip him around. So he's now sitting in-between my legs and leaning his body against mine, my arms loosely slung around him from behind.

"It'll be easier if you don't have to look me straight in the eye, right?"

"Yeah I guess"
He sighs

"No pressure though"

"No...it's fine"
He takes my hand.

"So...yesterday....I got a text and...uhm...from..."
He stutters, staring at and playing with my hand.
"It was...my father. So today, he was training me"

"What kind of training is that?"

"A training where we fight against eachother. He barely has to lift a finger because but I still loose every single time, which makes him mad."

"....Well....of course you'd loose! You're much weaker than he is! You're like a century younger than that asshole!"
I say, super pissed off at this point, but he stays silent.

"Wait. Is there more?"
I ask, in a softer tone of voice this time.

"When I used to live there...he would make me sit in a dark room and attack me everytime I dozed off."
He continues, his voice shaky and his face turned away from me, so I don't see him cry.

"Is that why you can't sleep?"
I ask and he nods, letting out a shaky breath.

"I just...can't deal with all of that. He get's angry when he sees how weak I am or that I haven't made enough progress....And then the nightmares....nightmares where I loose control of my quirk and hurt my own family- my mom, my siblings...or where he hurts them and I can only watch. Or dreams where he hurts yo- t-the people I care about. I hate that so much and it's just too much for my mind to deal with all at once"

"Shhh~ it's okay"
I whisper, my hand being tightly gripped by his.

"I'm sorry you've had to go through so much crap"
Is the only thing I can come up with. For some reason, my mind's just blank. I want to cry too, but if I did that, we'd just be two helpless morons cuddling and crying, so I leave it at that, while I try to comfort him by caressing his hand.

"He beats me up if I loose to him. I just don't want to believe that's really what I deserve"
He sobs

"No! No! Of course not"
I hug him tightly and kiss his head.

"I'm sorry. Me crying like this is pathetic, but I can't help it."

"Todoroki, it's okay."
I say and he turns his head. He looks at me from the side, his cheeks covered in tears and his eyes red from crying.
"I don't want you to feel like that. And I'll do whatever it takes just for you to not have to feel like that, even if it works for just a second."

He stops, as if thinking for a second, then fully turns around, his eyes averting my gaze.
Already expecting him just wanting to be hugged, I put my arms around him, still looking up at the boy, now sitting on my lap with tear filled eyes.

"Don't be mad"
He mutters

"What is there to be mad about?"
I chuckle
"I already yelled at you anyway"

He says and looks into my eyes.

The one thing I didn't expect to ever happen again -especially not I this situation- happens.
I feel his lips on mine.
I just stare at his closed eyes a little confused, until he opens them as he pulls away again.

"If this is what helps you..."
I mumble and he nods. I can usually tell what he's thinking just from his expression. Though it's hard, I always could, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. But now....I can't. All I see is a broken, hopeless, but still beautiful boy.

I put my hand on his cheek as he opens his mouth a little and kiss him. As our skin touches, I feel his tear-drenched cheeks. I can see the redness at the corner of his eyes, that are sore from crying for hours on end.

You can tell, that this kiss is not out of passion for one-another, but a way to comfort the devastated boy I'm sharing a kiss with. This is a way to make him feel better and even though I still have butterflies, it doesn't feel the same as it did back then.

I'm sure both of us know this.

But I guess it's fine as long as this makes him even remotely happy.

1208 words

Yes Yes~ curse me as much as you want~

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