Chapter 55: Limits

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There was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled, as I shoved my History of Magic textbook into my book bag.

It's Friday so I only have History and Runes today.

I turned around to face whomever had come in. Surprisingly it was Harry.

"Harry?!" I furrowed my brows.

He smiled as he pushed up his glasses, "You know, you should really lock your door."

I chuckled, zipping up my book bag, "Harry, everyone at this school knows magic. What good would that do?"

He laughed as he came closer to me, "You're right."

"So what's up?" I asked.

He grinned, "I was able to find a spell that worked somewhat on the egg."

I gasped, "That's great! So did you hear what it says?"

He shook his head, "I can't do the spell. It's too advanced for me."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I motioned for him to sit down. He sat down beside me, pulling out a book from his book bag and handing it to me. The book had one page bookmarked. I opened it and began reading.

"It's the type of spell only Dumbledore would be able to do." He joked.

I chuckled, re-reading the spell, "This just says the spell needs a strong magic source. Perhaps a tribrid could do it."

His eyes widened and his brows practically flew up to his forehead, "No! Absolutely not! I can't ask you to do that."

I shook my head, "I'll still do it. Harry, I offered to help so I am helping."

He sighed, knowing nothing could change my stubborn mind. "Alright, but only on a good day."

I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean 'a good day'?"

He laughed, "Like on a day where you are at your strongest."

"Today!" I grinned. "I feel fine, we can do it after school before my training so that I'll be at full strength."

He gave me a nod, "Brilliant. Now let's go to breakfast, you need to eat a huge meal to get enough energy."

I giggled, "Alright, but only because you asked."

I grabbed my book bag then Harry and I left my dorm. We reached the common room and I pondered on something.

"Harry, how did you get into the Slytherin common room?" I asked as I spotted my boys on the couch.

He smirked, "Please, I've done it before, it wasn't that hard."

I laughed as we approached the couches and all eyes fell onto us. Draco and Blaise stood up and immediately charged toward us.

"How did you get in here, Potter?" Blaise asked suspiciously,

Harry cleared his throat, "Uh through the entrance."

I snorted and then grinned, "Guys, relax he just came to ask about something."

"About what?" Draco muttered.

"He needed help with a spell and I told him I would help him after school." I explained.

Blaise hummed, "Before training?"

I nodded, "Yes, I need to be at full strength."

"Then we have to go Snape." Draco said as he grabbed his book bag.

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