Chapter 53: The Return pt. 2

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As Blaise shared how he was going to use his new Firebolt to beat Gryffindor at Quidditch next year, I remembered something.

"Oh my God! Guess what!" I exclaimed, lifting my head up from Draco's shoulder where it was originally resting.


"What happened?"

"Guess who I saw at the Leaky Cauldron this morning?" I breathed out. They all looked confused. "An old friend of yours."

Draco raised a brow, "Pucey?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Theodore."

They gasped. "No way!" Blaise exclaimed, "Isn't he supposed to be like a million feet away from you?!"

I shook my head, "Apparently not anymore. His cousin's family supposedly took care of it."

Hermione gasped, "No way!"

I nodded, "And that's not all! He's coming back to Hogwarts!"

They gasped again, this time more dramatically.

"What do you mean 'coming back'?" Draco said through gritted teeth.

I shrugged, "That's what he told me."

"You spoke to him?!" Draco exclaimed, "What did say?"

"He apologized," I breathed out.

"He what?!" Vince and Greg exclaimed in unison.

I gave them a nod, "He apologized. And I've forgiven him."

"You what?!" Hermione asked in disbelief.

I sighed, "I accepted his apology and I am deciding to move on."

"He's still not going anywhere near you!" Draco scoffed.

I chuckled, "I'm not saying I'm going to suddenly be his best friend but I am ready to put it past me and maybe give him another chance. He did apologize-"

A loud slam hit our compartment door, interrupting what Blaise was about to say. Greg stood up and opened it, revealing a snogging couple. The boy, who was leaning on the door, fell slightly backwards and onto Greg, making him tear away from his girlfriend.

"Bloody hell, mate! A little privacy!" The boy exclaimed as he grabbed his girlfriend's hand and walked away.

Hermione looked at me and then at Blaise. I looked at Blaise before looking at Draco and then all four of us bursted out laughing.

"Salazar! What the hell was that?!" Vince laughed.

Through laughs, Blaise responded, "That's like the fifth couple I've seen snogging on the train!"

"What?!" I exclaimed, clutching my stomach.

Draco nodded, chuckling under his breath, "Some things have certainly changed at Hogwarts."

"But why?" Hermione laughed.

Blaise shrugged, "The Yule Ball I suppose. Blokes are hornier than ever!"

Hermione and I bursted out in laughter again after hearing those words come out of his mouth.

Blaise snorted, "It's true! All those pretty girls in dresses stirred something in us!"

"Us?! Blaise you too?" I laughed.

His cheeks flushed red as he shook his head, "I- well-... um- n- No comment!"

Draco scoffed as he laughed at Blaise's uneasiness, "You are a wee bit red there mate!"

Blaise threw his mitten at Draco's face, making Hermione and I laugh some more, "Oh please! Don't be such a plonker, I haven't been the only one. Should I tell the girls about your little dreams-"

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