Chapter 4: First Day

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"Sooner or later you are going to realize that you've always been the weakest Mikaelson!" She taunted. It's her!

"You were never really a Mikaelson! You're just the weak link!" he yelled. Wait is that- Dad?

"Nooo!" I yelled.

I sat up startled, I was sweating and hyperventilating. Woah! I hadn't had a nightmare that bad since May. Where am I?

"Good morning Natalia- why are you sweating?" I heard Astoria's sweat voice ask me. I'm in my dorm I'm not in danger!

"Oh- um.. good morning Astoria, it's nothing just a weird dream," I breathed out looking around the room for any sign of Daphne or Pansy. How embarrassing would it be if they saw me sweating and panicking because of a nightmare.

"Ah I hate when that happens. Well it's almost time for breakfast, you should probably get ready. I'm going down to meet my friends but I'll see you later. Bye!" Astoria was so sweet.

"Oh right, thank you Astoria! I'll see you later, bye," And she walked out. I got up and went over to the chair where my uniform was. Ugh! There's only two skirt options, a gray one and a black one, they're both knee length. Great. I am not wearing this. At least the shirt wasn't to bad, it was a plain white button up. Oh and there's a tie. What? I don't know how to tie a tie. Just as I was complaining about my uniform, Daphne and Pansy walked out of the bathroom already dressed and ready for class.

"Oh you're up! Great! Um- well I'm sure you can find your way around, we'll see you around. Let's go Daph!" Pansy spoke quickly with her fake voice, grabbing her book bag and grabbing Daphne's arm and pulling her out of the dorm before she could get a word in. Ok.

I remembered I had a black skirt in my trunk that was similar to the one on the uniform, except it was shorter and more fitted. As I was rummaging through my luggage I found the wand that I had gotten yesterday. Before yesterday I had never used a wand for magic, I didn't even know that was a thing. My wand had a handle that had small golden roses engraved on it. I grabbed it and put it on the bed side table, grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I got dressed and ready in under a minute, hair done and everything. Thank you vamp super speed! But I still couldn't figure out how to tie this stupid tie. I had it laying loose around my neck, grabbed my book bag, my robe and my wand and walked out of the dorm. Before walking down stairs I put my robe on and put my wand in the side of my boot. I walked down the stairs still trying to tie this stupid tie. As I arrived down stairs I still hadn't looked up from my tie and as I was walking I bumped head first into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're goi- Oh Mikaelson." It was Draco.

"Oh hey Draco! I'm so glad I ran into you, can you help with this stupid tie?" I asked, looking up at him since he was taller than me. My question seemed to take him by surprise but then Blaise quickly came up to his side and put his arm around him.

"Good morning bellisima!" he said brightly. Ah I really love this man.

I smiled at him and then Draco spoke. "Eh- um.. sure I can help you." He hesitated before grabbing both ends of the tie and begin to tie it. His breathing picked up and he seemed nervous but his hands moved swiftly. He kept his eyes fixated on the tie and I kept my eyes on him, that seemed to make him more nervous. When he finally finished he tightened the tie just a bit and finally looked up at my eyes.

"Is- um is that alright?" he asked me quietly, hands still around the tie. We were so close to each other and then suddenly Blaise spoke breaking us out of our trance.

"Yeah he didn't choke you did he Natalia?" he asked me with a smirk. Draco pulled away and fixed his hair while Blaise brought him in for a side hug. I chuckled. "No, it's perfect, thank you Draco."

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