A u t h o r ' s N o t e

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Hello my loves, just a quick a/n here.

I wanted to thank you guys for all the love on this story, all of your comments and your reactions. I seriously adore you guys.

-I've noticed the story moving a little slow so I think I might pick it up. Also the chapters have been getting pretty long and I don't know how you guys feel about that, let me know :)

-For the ships, I've seen Draco shippers, George shippers, Hermione shippers, hell even Elijah shippers which is so weird to me haha. I do wanna say that I am biased to one ship, but the ship most likely won't be a big part of the story. Of course you guys are free to ship whoever you want, I love reading the comments.

-I've had some comments about "seggsy time" haha also known as smut. I have never written smut, I've read tons I won't lie but I don't really know if this story will get some action in that area, at least not for now. I feel like the characters are a bit young for that and I would feel weird writing about it.

-I did get asked to add in some characters, I can't say who just yet but there will be new characters added to the story as we progress :))

-I can't promise that the rest of the story will be a masterpiece haha but I promise to try my best. I hope you guys will stick around for it.

-Just a little reminder for the future plot, this is set during season 5 of the Originals and before Legacies. I have mentioned Landon once but for now he probably won't be a big part of this story.

-Also, I am changing the cover of this book. I have been wanting to change it for a while and a lovely reader made this for me. The new cover should be up later today, thank you so much to -SydneySalvatore

I love you.



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