Chapter 51: Baby Steps

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Jan 2nd, 1995

Dear Diary...

      Uncle Elijah has always said that writing helps to clear your head. So far, it's doing nothing. I slept through most of yesterday. I haven't eaten. Dad brought me breakfast but it has been sitting at the foot of my bed for two hours now.

      Yesterday, Kat delivered a letter from Hermione and one from George. I haven't opened them yet.

      The prism has been glowing non-stop since yesterday and my pager won't stop buzzing. I think I might take out it's batteries.

      I don't feel like talking. I don't feel like even leaving my bed. I can't do it. I need a break. I go back to Hogwarts on the sixth. I don't know how I feel about that yet.

- N. M. P.

Shutting the journal closed, I laid back down. It was noon and that meant that Aunt Bex was about to come into my room and convince me to go outside just like yesterday. She comes in every hour. Like clockwork.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened. I pulled the blanket over me and rolled onto my side. I could feel the bed sink down at the edge as she sat down.

"Come on, my love, you have to get up now," She said softly.

I shut my eyes, sighing deeply, "Not yet."

Her hand rubbed my arm, "Tell me what I can do to help, I'll do anything."

"I just need... to sleep, I'm exhausted, Aunt Bex," I murmured.

She stayed silent for a moment before standing up, kissing my forehead, and leaving my room.

After taking a deep breath I relaxed a bit before drifting off to sleep.

7:46 pm:

I was abruptly shaken awake by Hope.

"Lia, Dad says you have to eat something!" Hope exclaimed as I sat up.

"I'm not hungry."


"Honest. I don't have an appetite." I sighed.

She crossed her arms, "You didn't eat breakfast."

"I wasn't hungry," I mumbled.

She placed a hand on my leg, "Lia, what's wrong?"


She sighed deeply, "C'mon, I'm your sister, I can help you. Just tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong." I muttered before rolling onto my other side. I shut my eyes hoping she would just go away. Eventually she did, but not before telling me that the prism was glowing.

I sat up a bit, glancing at the prism, and she was right. It was glowing. I sighed and pulled the blanket over me.

I don't want to talk, not yet.

Jan 3rd, 1995

Dear Diary,

      I smell bad. Perhaps I should shower. Or I could sleep some more. Do you ever feel like you sleep but never get enough rest? That's how I feel right now.

      It's around five in the morning. My dad was in here an hour ago. I think he was watching me sleep. I know he's worried and that he wants answers, but I don't have them. I don't know why I feel this way.

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