Chapter 42: Weekend Goodbye

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I was sleeping so soundly and then I felt a whack on the head. I sat up abruptly, "Hey!"

"Lia! You pushed us off the bed!" Hope exclaimed as she whacked me again.

I squinted my eyes, looking around. Apparently I kick in my sleep when I'm drunk. Blaise and Draco were curled up on the floor and Hope was standing beside them, very angrily. I was on my belly in the center of the bed, with all the blankets and all the pillows.

I groaned as my head hit the pillow again, "Draco! Blaise! Come back to bed," I mumbled.

I could hear them shuffling up to their feet and then they were beside me again. I mumbled a sorry and curled up into a ball.

About an hour later, Hope woke me up again.

"Lia, it's almost eleven, time to get up," She pulled the blankets off of me.

I groaned again, "Hope!"

"Lia!" She mocked.

Blaise sat up, clutching his head from the hangover. Hope handed him a water bottle and the same potion I had made them last time they got hungover.

I felt the breeze of Blaise leaving the bed and I scooched closer to Draco. Instinctively, he pulled me closer with his arm.

Suddenly, Hope whacked him with a pillow, making him sit up fast.

"Bloody hell!" He exclaimed, clutching his head.

Hope handed him a water bottle and the hangover potion. I grabbed Draco's pillow and put it over my head. I tried falling back to sleep, but I could hear them getting up and talking.

By now, Vince and Greg were also up and feeling much better. I was the only one still in bed.

I felt someone sit on the bed beside me, "Talia, how are you feeling?" I simply grunted, making him laugh, "Let's go get breakfast."

I shook my head, "No thank you."

"But what about your cheese fries?" Blaise asked as he sat down on the other side of the bed.

I lifted the pillow off my head just enough for my eye to peek out, "Cheese fries?"

Blaise grinned and nodded, "Cheese fries."

I sat up and leaned onto his shoulder. I sighed, "I'm sorry for yesterday."

Blaise furrowed his brows, "What do you mean?"

"When I spaced out, I must've looked crazy," I breathed out.

Blaise pulled me into a side hug, "You should never apologize for what you're feeling, bellissima," He sighed, "Who's Elias?"

Hope walked out of the bathroom at the perfect time, she heard Blaise's question. She sat down on the end of the bed, "Elias was another McBastard, but unlike McLaggen we actually took real action with him."

Blaise hugged me tighter, "What does that mean?"

"My dad hung him upside down on the playground in front of everyone and cut off two of his fingers. He would have cut off his hand but Uncle Elijah talked him out of it," I breathed out.

"Maybe we should tell your dad about McLaggen," Draco shrugged, "Get his arse hung."

I shook my head, "No, not a word about this to my dad. The only reason he found out last time was because the principal called him, otherwise I would've kept my ten year old mouth shut."

Hope reached my hand, "And like I told ten year old Natalia, it wasn't your fault and you shouldn't feel embarrassed about it."

I scoffed, "Shouldn't I feel embarrassed? You remember what the girl in the cemetery said!"

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