Chapter 13: Astronomy

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It is Thursday afternoon, I just finished my classes and have time to spare until dinner and Astronomy class. Astronomy takes place at 10 pm in the Astronomy tower. It's the only class where it's just me and Draco. The class itself is pretty interesting, so far we are learning about the planets and three moons.

Currently, I was sitting in the common room with Draco and Blaise. They were helping me out with my Transfiguration homework. For some reason when I tried to turn my guinea fowl into a guinea pig it still ended up with feathers.

"You're almost there bellissima," Blaise lied. I glared at him with a scowl on my face.

"Liar," Draco laughed. I scolded him too.

"What am I doing wrong then?" I groaned throwing me head back onto the couch.

"Well, first of all, you have Blaise as a tutor," Draco joked. Blaise picked up a cushion and threw it at him smiling sarcastically.

"As if you could do better," Blaise scoffed crossing his arms.

Draco sat up and smiled. "Of course I can!" I looked at his cocky smile and let out a chuckle. "Here, do it again so I can see what you're doing wrong."

I raised my wand up and pointed it at the cage that contained my guinea fowl. When I finished reciting the spell my guinea fowl still had feathers. I huffed definitely.

"Wow, you're hopeless!" Draco exclaimed wiggling his brows. I scoffed and picked up a cushion then hit him on the face with it. He let out a low chuckle.

"Well, sorry I've never used a wand before!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"I'm joking! You're not hopeless, you just need to fix the way you're holding your wand." He reached over and putting his hand over mine. He started moving my pointer finger around my wand and placing other fingers under it. I don't know if he did it intentionally or carelessly but his other hand slithered on to my lower back. his face was inches away from mine, so close I could feel his breath on my ear. "Say the spell."

Without even realizing it the words fell out of my mouth and next thing I know there was a guinea pig sitting in the cage. I couldn't believe it. "I-i did it!" I exclaimed turning to face Draco who had a proud smirk plastered on his face. The excitement of finally nailing the spell took over me that my arms wrapped around him in a surprise hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Slow clapping came from the other side of me, Blaise. I let go of Draco, coming to my senses and looked over at Blaise who was smiling from ear to ear. "I knew you could do it, great job bellissima!"

I leaned over to pull him into a hug as well. Once I pulled away I went back to admiring the guinea pig, which was now running around as happy as me. I sighed, leaning back on to the sofa. "I'm just glad I finally finished with all of my homework!"

"We still have Astronomy tonight," Draco said reminding me of my second favorite class, the first being Muggle Studies.

"Ouu yeah, I almost forgot, but that's a piece of cake," I replied shrugging.

"Yeah, maybe for you, some of us didn't grow up in the woods. I grew up in a manor," Draco commented fixing his collar smugly.

"Bellissima, what was that like, growing up in the woods?" Blaise asked.

"Well, it wasn't the woods it was The Bayou, similar to a lake. We would visit the pack on the weekends, given the fact that Hayley is Alpha we had to check up on them. Plus Hope is pretty much werewolf royalty," I chuckled, "It was fun growing up there, even if it was for a short time. We would get there on Friday afternoon, Hayley, Uncle Elijah, Hope and my dad, and we would stay the entire weekend. The one thing I miss the most about that is when we would go stargazing, at first I hated it but then my dad taught me how to read the stars and find constellations and it became our favorite game. The one who could count the most constellations would get to choose where we ate once we got back to The French Quarter. I always won," I boasted jokingly.

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