Chapter 5: They know

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"...I am a tribrid."

Moody looked taken aback, he definitely wasn't expecting that. And then the bell rang. For once I can literally say, saved by the bell.

I quickly stood up, gathered my things and sprinted out of the classroom. I sped walked to the closest bathrooms. I couldn't hear Blaise and Vince yell out for me but I didn't care, I was sick to my stomach. I ran through the door and burst into the first stall and there goes my breakfast. Once I was done puking I felt warm tears strolling down my cheeks, I can't believe I'm seriously crying. Suddenly I heard a voice coming from the hall.

"Natalia? Um- It's us, Malfoy, Goyle and Blaise and uh me. Are you ok?" It was Vince. They were all out there. Wow. I didn't answer. I'm so embarrassed. What do I even say?

"Bellisima! Eh- we're coming in alright!" and just like that I heard the door open and four sets of feet walked in. I was trying to wipe the tears of my face, I didn't want them to see me like this. They stood outside of the stall I was in and they spoke again.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything?" It was Greg. He sounded calm but also concerned.

"Um...look guys I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, you guys don't have to be here it's fine, you should just go to class." I managed to speak up, my voice quiet and shy.

"Are you bloody joking, Mikaelson? First of all, it's lunch time and second of all we're not leaving until you come out of that stall!" It was Draco, he sounded serious but not mad nor upset. I extended my arm, reaching for the lock and unclasped it. I slowly opened the door. There they were, four Slytherin boys standing right in front of me in the girls bathroom. I looked back down and walked past them towards the sink. I turned on the sink, gathered some water in my hands and rinsed my mouth with it. They were silent, watching me. I turned around and looked them in the eye.

"I seriously am sorry I didn't tell you guys before, I was planning to tell you tonight but Moody beat me to it. Do they just do that, put you on the spot like that all the time? I mean that's totally-" I was mumbling, fast, spiraling.

"Bellisima, breathe! We're not mad, and we don't blame you for not telling us. You just met us, of course you're not going to tell us something that big right away." Blaise I seriously love you. He gave me a smile and I looked at all of them, they were all smiling, except for Draco, he had a very faint smile. "Now is there anything else you would like to tell us, of course you don't have to if you don't want but just know that you can trust us," Here it is! Tell them about Kai.

"There is one more thing. It's something very serious so I can't really tell you right now but I may be able to show you guys later in the common room," I said nervously.

"Alright then tonight it is but now we should really be heading to lunch given the fact that your breakfast is sitting in that toilet. Let's go." Blaise said cheery. I picked up my bag and walked with them to the door before stopping.

"Are you sure no one will throw a pie at me like in the movies?" I asked Blaise jokingly. He chuckled.

"I would gladly take a pie to the face for you Mikaelson!" Vince said happily. I giggled making Blaise and Draco chuckle. Greg quickly said "Me too, I love pie!" Oh my gosh I love these guys.

We walked out and walked to the Great Hall while Greg and Vince chatted about pie. When we arrived all eyes were instantly on us. Oh great! Greg and Vince glued themselves to my side and gave everyone glares as we walked. I tried to look as confident as I could but I worried they could smell the fear on me. Blaise and Draco walked slightly ahead. We reached our table and sat down. Blaise and Draco at my sides and Greg and Vince in front of us. I looked around, most of the Slytherins were giving us side eye while eating their lunch. They didn't look that bothered. I looked at the other tables and I could easily spot the small groups of people gossiping while sneaking glances of me. I looked at the Gryffindor table and instantly locked eyes with Potter. I expected to see hate or fear them but instead he looked conflicted. His ginger friend was devouring his lunch and the brunette girl was sitting with them. She still looked shaken up. My eyes travelled to the boy from class, Longbottom, he looked worse than me if that was possible. I guess that demonstration really bothered him. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a young voice. Colin.

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