Chapter 50: A Happy New Years?

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"She's what?!" I exclaimed, clipping on my earring while looking at her through the mirror.

"She's bringing Elena and Damon with her," Aunt Bex repeated.

I turned around to face her, "You're joking right?! They can't come here!"

She approached me, placing her hands on my shoulders, "Don't worry my love, everything will be alright."

I groaned, "But Elena hates me!"

"I won't leave you alone with her, I promise," Aunt Bex reassured while rubbing my shoulders. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright, now finish getting ready and I'll meet you downstairs in about five minutes."

With that she exited my bedroom and headed downstairs, leaving me alone. I frantically ran to my dresser again, searching for my mother's necklace.

I held it tightly while shutting my eyes. In a matter of seconds, Kai was in front of me.

"Heyyy munchkin!" He slurred.

I furrowed my brows, "Are you drunk?"

He shook his head dramatically, "Not at all."

I sighed, "Kai! It's not even past six yet."

"But it's New Year's Eve!" He groaned.

Turning around to face the mirror, I scoffed, "Whatever. I need to tell you something."

"What-" He hiccuped, "What happened?"                     

I clipped in my other earring, "Elena and Damon are coming to dinner. Caroline invited them."

Kai let out an exaggerated gasp, "No way!" He hiccuped again, "Let me come, please! Let me come to dinner!"

I chuckled and faced him, "You know I can't do that, my dad would never allow it, especially not when you're drunk."

He frowned and crossed his arms, "You're no fun."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But I'll be sure to bring you left overs."

He grinned again, "Really? You mean it?"

I nodded and suddenly he pulled me into a hug, "You're the best." He said through a shaky voice, almost like he was crying.

Oh no, he's begun gushing.

"Natalia! Hope! Hurry up now!" Hayley called from downstairs, making me pull away.

"I have to go now. Oh! How do I look?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

He looked me up and down and grinned, "Like a million bucks, baby!"'

I doubled over laughing, "Okay, you need to sleep. Go and get some rest, I'll see you later."

Holding the necklace tight again, I shut my eyes and then Kai was gone. I looked back in the mirror and hummed.

The necklace goes well with my dress, I should wear it.

I clipped it on and suddenly my eyes darted to Hope's prism on my nightstand, it was glowing.

I quickly picked it up and held it. The distorted image of Blaise began appearing before me. And then there was a scream.

"Bellissima! Woo! Happy New Year!" He exclaimed while holding a glass in his hand.

I laughed, "It's still not midnight here but Happy New Year, B."

I could tell he was a bit tipsy because he was sort of swaying.

He was looking me up and down, "Salazar's Head! Natalia, you look amazing!"

Again, I laughed, "Thank you, B."

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