Chapter 9: The Howler

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Dearest Mother,

      Thank you very much for the sweets you sent this week. If it is not too much trouble, may I ask that you send more chocolate frogs next time. I know I have said they are not my favorite but they are for Natalia. They are her favorite. It actually is quite adorable how much she loves them, she looks like a child admiring a favorite toy when the frog jumps away. Apart from the chocolate frogs, may you send some of my jumpers, it is getting cold here. Mother, may ask, when do you think it would be appropriate for me to visit the manor? I have been wanting to have a word with you, one I would like to have in person rather than over letter. Although I ask you, do not tell father. It is something I don't believe I am ready to speak to him about, may I speak to you about it? Please, let me know soon, it is quite urgent.

Love, Draco.

Natalia's POV:

A loud door slam awoke me this morning. By the looks of it, Pansy and Daphne still haven't made amends, who could blame her. If Pansy attacked my sister, I'd rain hell fire upon her. I got out of bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I walked into the bathroom, with my uniform in hand and turned on the shower. After my shower, I got dressed in my usual attire, picked up my book bag and wand and walked out. As I reached the common room I was greeted by my friends. An entire week here and I still can tie my tie.

"Draco... will you-"

"Of course," He politely replied, already reaching for my tie. He did this every morning that I had to wear this stupid thing. "You know, you really should learned to this yourself," He said, smirking.

I laughed. "And why would I do that when I have you to do it for me!" I joked earning a chuckle from him. He finished tying my tie and walked over to the couches. I followed, taking a seat next to him. Blaise sat in front of us, opening a letter from his mother.

"Oh! Mum says she'll be coming down to watch the first task," He beamed putting the letter back into his bag.

"Really?! Ouu I can't wait to meet the fabulous Mrs. Zabini," I said smiling, earning a wide smile from Blaise.

"I thought your mum was on vacation in Greece?" Draco asked running a hand through his hair.

"Yes, she was but she heard the news about the tournament and she has returned to our manor in Wiltshire," Blaise responded shrugging. "My mum can't wait to meet you, bellissima!" He smiled brightly.

"Mother will be so pleased to hear about her return. I'm sure they'll be having tea every afternoon," Draco chuckled. I furrowed my brows. Blaise noticed this to which he explained.

"Draco's mum and my mum having been great friends since their time here at Hogwarts, they were both Slytherins,"

"Oh wow!" I exclaimed. You could tell by the way the boys spoke of their mothers that they respected and loved them deeply. It was quite an attractive thing. Blaise looked down at his watch and spoke again. "We should head to breakfast, I heard they're serving omelets today-"

"Omelets!" Vince and Greg exclaimed coming down the stairs. "Let's go!" We got up and walked to the Great Hall. I was hoping I would get to see Harry this morning, I wanted to ask him about the tournament. Once we got to the Great Hall, I took my regular seat in between Draco and Blaise. These had become our unassigned assigned seats. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal in it. Then the milk. I looked down the table looking for a banana. I found one and began slicing it up with my spoon into my cereal. Draco gave me a confused look.

"What?" I asked taking a spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"Banana? On cereal? Is that a vampire thing?" He asked disgustingly. I let out a laugh. How dare he judge my food?

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