"No, Mir," Valentino stopped him. "I mean it's really bad."

"Tell me what happened then," he said, getting right to business.

"The owner of the venue said that it's going to take at least a month to repair," he explained. "Sunshine's in tears, Nikita was close to yelling at everyone there, and all they said they could do was give them a refund."

That was bad. If it was going to take a month to repair, that meant that a lot of the ceiling had caved in. Looking at the front, though, it didn't look like there was a scratch on it. It still looked as beautiful and magnificent as ever.

They couldn't wait for a refund to try and find another venue. They didn't have time to. The wedding was in two weeks, and venues normally require months in advance to book and prepare. Some of the best ones took years. That was why he made the venue the first priority always in every single job he had.

He walked around the building to see the couple that he had done his best with. They were the best clients he had, and as happy as could be. But now Sunshine was crying into Nikita's arms while he just looked worried.

"I just wanted a nice wedding," Sunshine's muffled voice came through. "It didn't have to be perfect. I just wanted to have it somewhere pretty, where we could all just be happy and have fun."

Casimir smiled warmly as he looked at the two of them. Never in his life had he met a couple as wholesome as this couple. They were so young, and yet they were so simple. Neither of them wanted things that were gaudy or overpriced. They just wanted to enjoy life, and the moment when they would be united together forever.

It was adorable. There was no way that he could just let them fall in defeat like this. Not when they were this close to their wedding day.

"You aren't going to have a nice wedding, Dear," Casimir ruined the moment as they both looked in surprise at him. "You're going to have a great one."

"Please tell me you have some kind of idea," Valentino said. "Because none of us have a clue where to go from here."

"Well now, Mr. Architect," Casimir teased. "I would have thought that you'd be the perfect person for this."

"How?" Valentino put his hands on his hips. "What do you expect? For me to somehow fix a whole roof by myself?"

"No," Casimir chuckled. "But that would be quite a talent if you could."

"You have plan?" Nikita asked. He was still rubbing his fiancé's back as her tears slowly started to dry up. Her dark hair was sticking to her face with all the rain that had fallen earlier that day. It was finally starting to clear up.

"An idea, perhaps," Casimir smiled. "There's always a rainbow after a storm." Then he looked to Sunshine. "I'm assuming you still want this to be the place of your wedding, Dear?"

"Yes," she said. "But that's impossible now with how messy the inside of that building is."

"The front is still intact, though," Casimir said.

"Yeah," Sunshine said. "But the rest is ruined. We can't even go inside!"

"Is the kitchen still intact?" he asked.

"I didn't ask," she shook her head. "Why? Where are you getting at with this?"

"Valentino," Casimir looked at him. "Could you ask them if their kitchen is still functional?"

"Sure," he nodded and walked off.

"What are you thinking we do?" Sunshine asked.

"Well, it would be too complicated to try and find another venue," he told her. "Not to mention how long it takes to get a refund back. But, if we kept this place, it might still make a great location for an outdoors wedding."

The outside of the church wasn't that bad at all. The rain had turned the yard to a beautiful green, and there was plenty of stone and brick walkways for people to walk on.

"But what about rain?" Nikita asked.

"The weather seems to be clearing up after the week of rain," he put a hand on his chin. "But we could always put white tarps and tents around the place to protect everyone just in case it starts up again."

It might not be the best idea, considering that she had originally wanted an indoor wedding due to the crazy weather that always happened. Spring was no escape from it. That was obvious by what had happened that week. But for a change that was last minute, the tide could turn in their favor.

"Wait," Sunshine said. "My parents actually have a bunch left from when they were just a taco truck!"

"We could always add some lights and flowers hanging from it to brighten it up as well."

"That would be perfect!" Sunshine said, then she looked at Nikita. "What do you think?"

"My mom could help to," Nikita smiled and nodded at her. "Her and my father know how to work with their hands a lot."

They looked to see Valentino walking back up to them. There were a few people who were in the building, mainly looking at the damage done. When he walked up to them, he nodded his head.

"They said that the kitchen's still usable," he said. "I don't know what you think you can do with this trash though. It's a mess in there."

"The kitchen is all we need, Darling," he smiled at him. Then he looked over to his clients. "Are you willing to try and make an outdoors wedding?"

"Well," Sunshine looked at Nikita. "It would make things easier than trying to find a new location."

"My family won't care either way," Nikita shrugged. "It's still better than snow storms in Russia."

"What about the weather, though?" Valentino asked. They all quickly caught him up on Casimir's plan for that. Using white tarps all along the walkways would be perfect to stay protected from the storm. And it definitely wasn't going to be as bad as the one that they just got out of.

If they were lucky, there wouldn't be any rain at all. But it was Florida, and it was best not to push your luck in this state.

"Doesn't sound too bad," Valentino said with a hand on his chin. He was already thinking about it seriously. "It would take a lot of tarp, though."

"My parents have a bunch of it," Sunshine said. "I'm sure they'd love to find a use for it. My mom's probably going to rub it in my dad's face. They fought about keeping it all the time, because my mom always thought that it would be useful someday."

"Well, she was right," Valentino smiled. "We should talk to them and see what we can do."

"And since we have our very own architect here," Casimir put an arm around the man's shoulders. "He might just be able to help us put everything in just the right spot and look both practical and beautiful."

"I'll try," Valentino rolled his eyes.

Sunshine squealed in delight, running up to hug them both.

"Thank you guys!" She squeezed them tight. "I don't know what we would do without either of you!"

"Not a problem, Dear," Casimir hugged her back. "It's what I do best."

"I'm just here as emotional support, I guess," Valentino chuckled. He looked over at him, their eyes meeting like they always did. Those dark blue eyes thanked him in their own way, with a warmth to them that Casimir hadn't known until him. He had no need to thank him. This was something that Casimir would do no matter what. This was his passion. But that warmth was enjoyable as it filled him up. They made quite a good team.

And this was going to be the best wedding yet, whether outside or in.

Author's Note: Hi guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I always have fun bringing a challenge like this to Casimir. He just always seems to know what to do with every predicament that he runs into with his job. Sunshine and Nikita needed some more spotlight, because they have to be the most wholesome couple I've ever created, and I love them for it. We're getting closer to the end, but there's still plenty of the story left! And nothing's getting dragged out, I promise!

Thanks for all the votes and comments!


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