Chapter 14

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Wedding planning wasn't all happiness and excitement. Sometimes it was excitement, with a dash of anxiety sprinkled in the mix.

"Are you sure this looks good?" his client asked. All of her bridesmaids and family were out of state, so she had asked him for his opinion on the wedding dress she had picked.

He didn't see a problem with it. He was getting paid to plan their wedding, after all. Of course, he was going to help it succeed to the best of his abilities. And the Bride's dress was the centerpiece of the whole event. No matter what decorations the rest of the venue had, or how well everyone else looked, the bride had to be the best dressed person there. She was the spotlight as soon as she started walking down the aisle and to the man that she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

The rest of the wedding did matter, but the bride was still the most important.

"It looks stunning, Dear," Casimir said, his hand on his chin. "It just..."

It was a shame that this poor bride didn't have anyone to give an opinion on this. All of her and her fiancé's friends and families were in another state. They just moved to Florida about a month ago. It was for the betterment of their jobs, but it couldn't have happened at a worse time when they were trying to plan a wedding. Now they suddenly had to try and figure out a venue for it here rather than back home, along with everything else that had to be planned about a wedding.

They had pushed it back a year because of that. The only reason they were trying to figure out the wedding dress today was because they were trying to make payments on it, and they needed to start this month if they were going to be able to have it paid off by the time she needed to wear it. Hence why he was brought here for his opinion. Unfortunately, they just couldn't seem to get anyone else to fly in at such short notice.

It was quite a predicament.

"It's just what?" the red head looked worriedly at him. They had hired him to ease the stress of planning their special day, as most do. It really helped since they were having to completely start from scratch all over again. Casimir loved that aspect of his job, though. It made all the phone calls early in the morning and all the countless designing ideas worth it when he saw all the smiling faces on the wedding day.

"Well," Casimir pondered, looking at the frilly dress. It was great at showing her curves, and the style fit her perfectly. But there was something off about it. "It seems like it's missing something."

He didn't want to upset her, but he also wanted to make sure that she got exactly what she wanted. That was the trick with this job. It was a juggle of words as he tried his best to make sure they knew that he wasn't trying to insult them at all. Some people got really hurt by an opinion, even if it was a professional one. That was why he wasn't exactly fond of this part of his job.

"Well, what is missing then?" she asked. It was obvious that she wasn't used to dressing up in anything like this. She didn't look confident in that dress at all. That would have to be the next thing he tried to work on with her. Because a bride needed to be confident as she walked down the aisle. But that wasn't what was missing from the image that he was seeing right then. There was something that he couldn't quite pinpoint at the moment.

"That's a good question," he hummed, walking around the bride. She had chosen a small bridal shop to get her dress at. It was located next to a local grocery store, in a small strip mall. They had fallen in love with all of the independent stores that Amor had and wanted to get a lot of their wedding supplies locally because of that. They had even decided to order their wedding cake at a local bakery in downtown. Amor had some gorgeous shops, perfect for unique weddings.

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