32. Forever

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Today was the same as usual, just sprinkle a little bit of sugar and spice. The lesson was far better than any other day. This was suppose to be our last lesson before we went on break. It didn't suck, it made me glad because, I could finally get to be with Israel for two weeks. That was enough. It was definitely perfect.

My phone vibrated with a notification. I  fished my phone out of my black bag and it was an email from the chancellor. It was a message requesting my presence for a very important talk. I shrugged and placed it back into my bag. Class continued and it finally came to an end.

I walked up to my favorite professor and jumped into his arms. I giggled like a four year old.

"Cassandra, someone might barge in, " he sighed but I refused to let go off him.

"Let them, " I shrugged and finally let go off him. He had lipstick on his shirt. I grimaced and pointed to his shirt. He already knew of this.

" Cassandra, " he called and I twitched my lips slightly. Acting clueless.

"Red suits you, Israel. " I pecked his lips.

" I have to see the chancellor, in a few minutes. " he leaned against the desk and I couldn't help but drool on his arms.

" Me too. He said it was something important. I'm used to seeing him anyways," I explained.

"Being smart comes with that benefit," I bragged.

"You'd wish, "he scoffed playfully.
I know came over me that I kissed him. It was a long ass kiss. One that made my stomach somersault.

After a while we decided to go to his office together, since I was his TA, it wouldn't be suspicious.
Right before we entered, I kissed him again. His voice had vanished into a deep one. A husky one.

"Oh, Mr. Mikhailov and Miss Moreno. Have a seat please. " he offered politely. There was something with his voice that I couldn't pin down.

" I wanted to actually see you two together,"

"Is there a problem, chancellor?, " Israel asked.

"I'm highly disappointed in you Miss Moreno,"

"As one of the best students of our school, I was willing to let go of what happened between you and professor Luke. "

My stomach sank. He knew. Israel had turned pale.

" It has been brought to my notice that you two are having a relationship which goes against the relationship of a student and a teacher. A footage was sent to me last night. The two of you kissing in the school park. " I swallowed the bitter taste in my mouth. He had that sinister look like the last time. Fuck this man.

"It's not true, chancellor, it may be someone else and not us. You can't judge us without having concrete evidence ," I said too fast. He couldn't find out now.

" What do you want Chancellor?, who sent that video to you?, " Israel said with a firm voice.

" I'm no longer the chancellor, as much as I'd like to take the money, I can't do anything and if this got to the new chancellor, I don't think it would be good for your career and her future. " he twisted the topic. Someone paid him.

" The only way is ,if one of you leaves this college. "

"You get fired or she gets expelled."

My hands began to tremble so hard. I was back to that day. The same way, I had to end it with Luke. Just like the last time. Again.

After everything we went through.

The Professor's Cassandra Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang